Can we get account wide ignore?

I’d honestly take btags or account wide

I just don’t want the ability to swap between characters removed, how else would I make people concerned when they see my hunters name whenever I post as him?

Not sure what you mean concerned, but I don’t see any real benefit to character posting.

I guess concerned is the wrong word

I just like giving people a gross visual image to picture when they read the name

Fair enough!

What does it matter? When the degens switch realms and names and do a work around the system?

I’ll take the option of posting on one character only option like someone in GD suggested.

Make it where people can only change it once per an expansion, just so long we have account wise ignore, one like, one flag per a post.

People using multiple alts to pretend to be different people in discussions is getting old.

The mods are happy to do it for you.


So like, I have trouble logging into the forum today, as the forum thinks I don’t have an active sub, but in reality what happened is that they removed the mobile authenticator feature thing to log in…

So my account and information feels much LESS secure and safe now!!

So this is another reason to be opposed to account wide ignores, I feel more vulnerable to being hacked by people who don’t like me etc

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You really don’t like logic, do you?


The best thing you could do to keep your account and information safe is to stop posting on the forums. Food for thought!


Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with what we are asking for. We want to ignore the player not just the posting toon. You having problems with the authenticator is a support issue.

Do you even think about what you say before you type something?


If only they had been warning players for at least the past month that the mobile authenticator app was being retired on January 5, and that anybody using it should migrate over to the mobile app before then…

That’s on you for ignoring the months-long notices and not migrating to the app.

Your inability to maintain a certain level of account security has nothing to do with this thread, nor does it mean that anybody ‘that doesn’t like you’ (a fairly long list, I’m sure) is going to hack your account.

You obviously aren’t terribly concerned about your account security, otherwise you’d still have functioning and effective 2FA, and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.


I didn’t see any of that as I wasn’t playing the game, I’ve only been here on the forum.

I honestly never heard a thing about it!

What is 2FA?

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Popping in once again to show my support for account wide ignores, flags and likes.

I keep seeing this needed badly.


2 factor authentication. There’s an app that sends you a code to confirm it’s you when you log onto the game or the forums. It’s the Battle net app.

Not to some of the silly people in here. According to some of them, simply receiving a btag friend request equates to stalking.

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Thank you for that information Nui.

I am still annoyed by it, as the battlenet app lags because of the amount of friends I have online it takes forever, the old authenticator app was simple and easy to use.

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I have never heard of battlenet app lag.

I don’t think it has it install, and is making things up as usual