Can we get account wide ignore?

More like Sibilithia

Does not apply on a privately-owned forum.

You are free to “speak”, but that doesn’t mean others have to “listen”.


Or that they are free from consequences.


So, this has become the replacement to the btag request?

No no we want both


both and more


30 days and counting…


Daily (With rather long swatches of inactivity) support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


I actually miss the old forum where could just downvote people, I know if my posts got downvoted I would just delete the post.

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No, what makes you ask?

The other two chuckleheads haven’t been around either.

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What makes you ask? Going to BTAG posting instead of character posting automatically makes this work.

That is true, but people are whiners and think they’ll be stalked irl if someone gets their btag or something

So this is a nice middle ground

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All the rest of the games use BTAG posting so I don’t see why not for this one.

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This is true and was pointed out multiple times

But I am reminded of a certain video talking about how its the will of the people but the people are a thing he said that I can’t say on the forums

Is the only point to having character posting on the forums so people can try to role play on the forums?

I guess so?

I don’t mind the ability to swap characters cuz yea some people wanna do RP stuff, but other’s just wanna show off like a transmog they made on an alt or something

I do mind it cuz people like multiple in this thread use it just to be annoying and get around ignores once they stop getting engagement with their bad faith arguments

So, the only way you could BTAG stalk if if they became your BTAG friend?

The funny thing is a very long time ago I made this my posting character because people where sending tells to my main character in game. So, you could say I was getting “stalked” in game using this current system of character posting.

Yea, the only way someone to stalk you via btag is if you accept their btag, but that wasn’t good enough for them and apparently people sending a request is stalking according to some

You missed some fun though, someone claiming that if account wide ignores existed people would instantly know all of someones alts and expose them

They never explained how though

Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense.

I do support changing this to BTAG posting and that would fix the account wide ignore.

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