Can we get account wide ignore?

Seconded! ^w^



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So you should have no issues with letting me know all your alts/sock puppet accounts os I can block all of them.then … Since you don’t care at all, and I care not to ever engage with you at all …


Shhhh don’t use logic with her . She might go full on scanner and her head will explode


Talk about first liar doesn’t stand a chance

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If it’s alright with you all, I’d like to make some further comments. There’s two issues.

For me, blocking someone isn’t something I do lightly, I will usually block people that make me mad, but I will unblock everyone a week or two later, though one friend I blocked for four months to give them a chance to redeem themselves, but when I contacted them in Christmas '23 it soon became very clear they only wanted to talk to me if $$ was in it for them, so they failed my test…quite miserably. I bit their head off course and told them like it is, which resulted in them blocking me, but who knows, they call themselves Christian, maybe if I contact them in a years time on the platform they have neglected to block me, they might have realized the error of their ways, but their sins can be overlooked for now.

Which brings me to the second point, that I am actually quite forgiving perhaps too much so, because this is how I see things…

On one hand, you could say that no amount of good deeds we may might do in the present don’t excuse our past or present mistakes, at the same point our past, present or even future mistakes won’t take away from any of the good things we’ve contributed to the world either, unfortunately I don’t think the internet has caught up with this notion yet, I love the positive things social media brings to our lives, but I am concerned that we’ve become divided too much into different cliques and tribes, when in my opinion we could be accepting diversity in unity, and I think for a game as big as wow, it should try its best to cater to everyone like it did back in the old days.

Also, I know I am not impressed if our little fox friend said things that were hurtful to the gay community for example, but at the same point, when he returns, he has a chance to say sorry realize he did wrong thing and won’t do it again,

I know I’m not going to hate on an individual person because of something they said or did that I didn’t like 5 or 10 years ago, people can change.

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Typing lots of words doesn’t mean you’re not a troll.

Account wide ignore. We all want it. Get it done, Blizz.


Uh huh. You contradict yourself with literally every post.

Edit - Looks like the thread got another pruning pass. Will be curious to see if any forum privileges were snipped along with the posts.


Exactly and there is a difference between being a fun loveable troll and being a total forum pest that people really wanna avoid completely. Hence my support for a Account Wide Ignore system for the WoW forums.


Man, glad theres so much support for account-wide ignores, and how the mods are doing some pruning to remove the derailing

Hopefully it means there is hope for account wide ignores in the future

Be real nice to have a list go from 30+ characters to 3


Believe it or not, I actually support account wide ignore in the game itself.

Just not the forum.

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Both are filled with humans though, that the kinda accountability account wide stuff and Btags would do wonders for

Something something reputation

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I guess my view is that it’s more offensive and hurtful for someone to circumvent ignore in-game,

On the forum I lean towards freedom of speech.

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I know I’m gonna hate myself, but…

How? To the best of your limited ability, explain the fundamental difference between circumventing an in-game ignore and circumventing an ignore on the forums.


excuse her she is busy shuffling through many alts tonight

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Alts, personalities… whatever.

Because an online forum to me is for talking and open discussion, I am not here to make friends but to share my opinion and thoughts if that makes sense.

The game is for playing and just having fun and having a good time enjoying the game so don’t need someone harassing me on an alt when I am just trying to enjoy the game.

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So when someone’s truly heinous, or starts to act like they might be, we should just… keep having to ignore character-by-character? You may keep stating freedom of speech, but that is not being impacted.


Which is already there… it’s been there for a few years now…