Can we get account wide ignore?

No, what happens is people who don’t like you, will trash your reputation, even go so far as lying about you,

Of course in reality, here is the truth, I could name half a dozen famous people off the top of my head and find something to criticize them for.

That is what I am concerned about, yes.

But everything is offensive and hurtful to someone.

Believe it or not, I would actually support another category for flagging, as there’s a difference between outright trolling and simply being annoying.

Not empirically true.


Then that guild needs to jump ship before Captain Lil scuttles it and takes them all down with her


Guild poaching used to happen all the time, but not just to me, but even to good guilds as well,

Honestly I took it very personally at the time, but these days I accept that everyone in this world has their own agenda, and will do what they want to do in order to get ahead, whether it be in a game like this, or in real life itself, everyone will have their own agendas.

I appreciate though that not everyone can handle my eccentricities.

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We had that with the “down vote”. Bring it back


Only thing I’d say is get rid of it hiding a post through just down votes. If you’re gonna have basically a I disagree button, it should just be there as a comparison to the like button. Puts too much power in the hands of internet brained people if it ends up being a post hider that doesn’t get unhidden when a mod looks at it.


Hi I hope everyone is having a Happy New Years having drinks and a good time.

Anyway here is what’s making mainstream news dedicated wow pvp players have been abusing the report system, to claim victory in WSG season of discovery, no different to how some people abuse the report system here,

Yes there are good people that can just ignore/block and move on, but at the heart of it there are some people that get vindictive and not let go.

Also as an aside I don’t care about being ignored

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Which has nothing to do with what this thread is about. We want to ignore the player, not the posting toon, quite simple. Like the other Blizzard forums.


Completely unrelated report systems. One is over gameplay, the other is over the forums (communication).


Have you ever said anything that made sense or was relevant to the topic?

Besides the topics you used to spam about how sylvanas was a hero and we should all love her of course


Who’s going to get offended or hurt if someone says that John Lennon was Awesome?

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Well I take offence to that, but only because it makes me really sad how he died :frowning:

Anyway happy new year.

The point though is people abuse report systems and people abuse power, this is why we need governments and a benevolent technocracy to watch over us

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People will abuse power and governments are people.

A “benevolent technocracy” cannot exist under the yoke of capitalism.

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Again, which is irrelevant to what this thread is about.

She’s deliberately derailing the thread, she knows none of that nonsense has nothing to do with account wide ignore in a video game forum.


While I still have that person on ignore, it’s so good to continue to see their support for how the system is currently broken. For example, I have them on ignore, yet I can see them being quoted and I continue to see “VIEW 1 HIDDEN REPLY”…NOPE!!!

And for someone who is so against a system being abused, like the current one is, I applaud them for wanting a better system in place to help PREVENT abuse and completely block people who I no longer want to see posts, quotes, hidden replies or sockpuppets from.

Happy new year everyone! Here’s to a better ignore system on the forums.


You are exposing yourself.

Irrelevant to the thread’s subject and considered spam.

Not according to your previous posts. You are fighting hard for the right to not only continue your antics on the forums but also limit/prevent anyone from being able to filter your nonsense out. You’ve also stated in this thread that you have intentionally circumvented a block to continue engagement with people who have ignored you in game. Sit. Down.


One whole year later, I get this goofy armor from the trading post.

We still don’t have account wide ignore.


Improving how the forum ignore works doesn’t magically or mysteriously imbue anyone with any power over anyone else.

There is simply nothing to abuse.

Sweetheart, nobody asked.