Can we get account wide ignore?


I don’t think it affects moderation as much as you would think because Blizzard can see who is who. Unless you mean that it causes more work in the amount of flags since you can’t just ignore all, but in reality too many use flags as a ‘disagree’ button.

That is 100% on Blizz though, I remember the forums being a lot better MoP and before (mostly) as far as feedback and less spam goes. I swear there was an off-topic forum too.

I’m admittedly now curious as to what you’ve seen be “disagreed with” via flags.

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Well, my posts keep getting restored here so this thread seems like a prime example of it.


… can you cite examples that aren’t of your own posts? That might be better.

That indicates nothing more than Blizzard moderators determining that the flags weren’t warranted according to their policies.

And since Blizzard is never going to publicly share their internal policies, players will never be sure where those lines are, so they will flag posts they feel might violate the COC. And I’m sure you also disagreed when Vrakthris declared that there isn’t really such a thing as ‘flag abuse’.


I never said that lol but you reporting just to silence me isn’t working. I legit said Merry Christmas and you reported that.
That’s all you’re wanting to do. xD Stop abusing the system mate.

Sure, but we aren’t talking about the game, we are talking about the forums. Not sure why you keep bringing this up.


Still waiting for Tae to give that evidence … Guessing I will be waiting a long time


They never give evidence to to back up what they say and when you show them actual facts they tend to go

“nuh huh your actual facts aren’t true but these random things I’ve pulled out of my back side are and I don’t need to show my sources becasue all my facts are Trust me bro certified”


Keeps happening to me too honestly, I do admit sometimes I get scared and think I am about to get banned, so it makes me run away for a few days, but then I feel the urge to log into the forum and I am like…oh okay.

I mean no disrespect either, when that statement in my mind, is actually a rather political statement in itself, not saying it’s inaccurate of course, but just pointing out that people that are ranting that they don’t care for my ‘political’ opinion are actually being political to some degree perhaps, without even realizing it.

What are you waiting for evidence specifically for?

… huh? I’m not sure what you’re referencing here, or what point you try to make.

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I see the usual suspects spewing their rancid garbage still, and trying to derail the conversation

What we are wanting is to be able to ignore the player, like the other Blizzard forums, not just the posting character


But wow isn’t the same as other Blizzard games.

When playing Starcraft, it’s a game about building up a base and blowing up the enemy and planting photon cannons in your allies base and blowing up your ally for some lolz,

Same with Diablo, the only thing on my mind when playing Diablo is “kill…maim…destroy”. You know, what comes naturally in a dungeon crawler game.

In WoW, I am concerned about my reputation and the reputation of any guilds I am involved with.

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Don’t care. You made your bed…


I’m not sure, but I believe the answer is no

Then don’t say/do things that would tarnish your reputation.


Funny thing is this doesn’t even matter anymore.


I’m thinking if any guild Lil is in actually knew what Lil was actually like they’d G kick her just to save their rep .

Then again does it count when it is more then likely just Lil and her alts making up the guild


Can’t get kicked when you’re the GM.

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I feel like there should be another flag category.

"The post is incoherent and the poster appears to have entered a dissociative state "