Can we get account wide ignore?

Really Ion hasn’t made any games . So raid boss design or class design and balance early in his career at Bliz doesn’t coun’t?

Oh please tell us your experience in making games .
Enquiring minds need to know


If you consider them giving feedback to teams is that, then every poster on the forums that gave feedback is one too.

More than Ion, yeah. I even have experience moderating them and other forums.

This is why I’m for a text box for flags .

THis way we can give detailed reasons for the flag and even post the actual quote by the person . Especially for those that have falsely in the past have used the Real life threat flag on people just for disagreeing with them .

We all know which group between S and U was infamous for that.


No he actually worked on the game design team .

It was his time as a designer that lead to him eventually becoming the head of game development for WoW.

I think others are right , you’re jkust splitting hairs and most likely just to get this thread derailed .

So before I dump you off my screen I just want to thank you for showing why we need account wide ignores.


Doing what? Giving feedback to them on how to make some of the fights. If you consider that ‘making a game’ by all means, but understand that makes every forum poster one too.

Seems more likely to his old lawyer ties than anything else?

No, you are. I would’ve been gone if people hadn’t responded to me.

Technically even announcing this is a violation, but will that ever matter?

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I’m back, hope everyone had a great Christmas Day!

Sad that I don’t log into wow to play the game anymore, maybe one day I should…

Anyway, to the person that said “if everyone is ignoring you, maybe you are the problem” well my counter argument to that is that lots of people in society are never going to quite fit in, and never quite be ‘normal’, it’s just how it is, my dream for the world is a society where we have diversity in unity if that makes sense.

And for a game that’s still popular as wow, I believe the company needs to be inclusive.


Tools for people to protect themselves such as account wide ignore, btags, and singular likes/flags and thus the removal of sock puppets does WONDERS for that.


People who “moderate forums” elsewhere sure have had a lot to say about this in the past. Sounds like a familiar argument from a different face…

Be careful! You’ll get another violation! :rofl:


As an example, if you are ignoring me, why do you care if I’m still reading your posts and responding to you? You’re ignoring me and won’t see those responses, right?

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Scroll up, you never actually left (another lie you told).


Multitudes of people have said why many many many times.


Or they could be doing other things.

I plan to take a forum break myself and play a little bit of classic and see if I can get myself to do it since joyous journey’s is activated. I just want to take a stroll around Azeroth before it gets wrecked.

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I see that some of the usual suspects are back… and still running their mouths.

To keep on topic, what we are asking for is the ability to ignore the player, not the character they are posting on. It’s simple as that.


No they haven’t lmao. I’ve ignored a few people here just by not replying to them.
I’m asking why can’t you all do the same instead of some abusing the flag system.

True unlike some here who pretty much report me the moment I comment.
I’m wondering if I’ll get banned for nothing or the ones who’s abusing it lol.
That is probably the reason why no one really comments on this thread tbh.
Just the same 10 of us like I said before. /Drinks Coffee.


Posters abuse the flag system because the forum lacks proper tools to deal with sock puppets and abusive posters.


I’d really wish he would stop trying to derail the thread. The thread is NOT about the forum mods and their activities.


So we admit that people abuse the system because of assumptions. Well hey, least you’re honest.

I’m asking why you can’t use the tools you have or ignore people as it is. Why is this hard to answer?

Well the Christmas wish didn’t come true

They instantly came back


Not only that, but a new one joined the fray and challenged statements made, then rules-lawyered to the point where I was no longer comfortable linking to another subforum here to refer to a locked post (locked as in it had its purpose fulfilled) by Vrakthris that addressed a moderation concern.


Which one? Because if it’s the one where “1 report is all it takes” then that’s completely false.
I’ve seen really vile posts, this one included and in general that I’ve reported it myself and nothing happens. One saying to “not live” anymore and that is still there. It’s actually crap how the system works because it’s not prioritizing ones that need to be looked into, rather just 3 posts get the mods attention (or the automation system) seen faster.