Can we get account wide ignore?

The person doing the ignoring and any people they care about, friends with etc probably do. Personally I’m all for more tools for people to protect themselves in game and on the forums, since moderation is likely never going to be ‘good’ anymore. But it’s clear we disagree on the matter and I’m not going to clutter the thread with the back and forth, happy holidays!

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I’m just going to drop in as someone who explained this before: What you suggested is the Twitter/X way. That method allows someone to cause issue behind someone’s back completely, and relies on others to act on the target’s behalf to get it addressed.

It won’t work.


Not exactly, you block someone there you can still see the persons you blocked messages optionally. You can still quote them, reply to their posts, etc all without them seeing it. Which is why I say it should go both ways, to prevent that.

That’s already the case here.


Except not. You can’t flag something on Twitter/X if they’re blocked (I know this, I’ve checked). Here, you can flag a post regardless, as needed.

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You can flag their profile there actually, but here your flag doesn’t matter - it only matters when things receive ‘enough’ flags. Most platforms do, so in reality your own ‘report/flag’ doesn’t matter as much.

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Except again, not the case. It’s been brought up multiple points that even a single flag leads to eventual moderator attention. Multiple flags only result in hiding the post, as it’s generally considered the post at that point is egregious or unnecessary.


That’s been factually disproven time and time again here and in game, and it’s even admitted because of the way the queue system operates that most ‘low tier’ reports don’t get investigated because the queue never ‘finishes’. There’s a reason (outside of the CS forums, because there’s non-forum mods there that actively read threads) non-flagged posts don’t get removed unless someone is already in a thread filled with flags or a special thread that receives extra attention from mods.


I’m speaking to my knowledge after interaction with blues here, rather than anecdotal.


So not evidence proven, but said by someone else isn’t a good way to go about it.

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More likely it will just get abused harder than the current system is being.


inb4 the angry worgen accused vrak of lying.


That’s nice but not evidence based, since they were already disproven before multiple times.

Technically even cross-linking to other forums is supposed not be allowed, but…

Now you’re just out to split hairs. The post is locked, meaning it cannot be continued, and is relevant to the current discussion.

But for the sake of now having no backing to my statement, I’ll remove that post.

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People over in the PVP forms say that’s Arfbishop, who got to a point where they’d stopped getting responses over there due to their reputation and then Taekwonduwu showed up with the same opinions. I’d take it with a grain of salt since the pets don’t match, but I’m pretty sure that Arf mentioned having multiple accounts at one point.

If it is, that wouldn’t be a big surprise that they’re taking up another of Arf’s longstanding bad faith battles.

Don’t forget Karie as well as most other Worgen posters, and thanks for proving my point that single reports/flags don’t matter and the lack of moderation is the issue anyways. If they did investigate on one flag, the people incorrectly saying I’m every other person they had some sort of issue with would’ve been handled long ago.


I’m still in favor of account-wide ignore, but one flag gets a post to a mod’s attention? Nah, that’s never worked in my experience. There are a couple of super egregious, insulting posts still up on this forum that would have been taken care of long ago if that were the case, but similar posts you make will be guaranteed to disappear if they get flagged.

And I would link those posts, but I simply want to avoid summoning bad actors or getting banned for a callout.


Let me put it in simple terms .

No one here has a right to be heard or have their forum or text posts read by those that choose not to .

We are asking Blizz to respect that and give us the tools to block those we wish to no longer interact with .

If some still wish to interact with those that others no longer want to , that is fine because that is their choice.

What we want is a tool for the individual to use for their own peice of mind while participating in the WoW forums.


You do know that Blue posts in these forums means the person is an actual employee of Blizzard right?

And being and actual emplyee would know these things about their forums right?


Right, but it’s inconvenient for their argument, so they must be lying.


Doesn’t make it correct, especially since that one isn’t a GM, nor a forum mod.