Can we get account wide ignore?

I started posting in GD during Shadowlands.

That is when I started posting again.

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Well the thing is community is opinion is often at odds with what Blizzard are okay with people didn’t like a video i linked earlier but Blizzard restored the post.

I just hope everyone has a great christmas


Merry Chrimbus from Q’unzo.

What have I done now? Find another post buried of mine.

Oh well my Christmas present to you is to bump the thread that you all love,

I stand by the opinion that people censor each other way too quickly so need someone benevolent in charge

Hope you are all are having an amazing Christmas Day!

No one is censoring you… You can still post.

People are just tired of you running your mouth.


Then why not just ignore me and any you think are my alt?


I need an App for my brain that obscures the use of “warthin” and auto blocks people who use it from my life.

Just looking at it offends me.

I guess I only see that when I visit GD. So, there is a lesson in that.


We appreciate your agreement and support of account wide ignore.


Which is what we are asking for. 1 ignore. We shouldn’t have to guess or wait til you reveal yourself. 1 ignore and your entire account should be blocked from interacting with someone. It’s quite simple.


Who say they aren’t…

It only takes 4 or 5 people to shadow a post, as some of us are kinda sick of you running your mouth like your fox friend.


That fox earns those flags for a very good reason.

I don’t waste mine on someone simply being obnoxious.


Waste of time, you will just create another sock puppet.


We do and have done so but you make new ones to bypass the ignores .

We don’t give a rotund rodents rectum about your characters or anyone else’s characters, we want to ignore the human behind the characters because we honestly don’t want to deal with a person or people that have shown themselves to be so toxic or any other similar people.

Little bit of info you might want to consider .

When everyone else is going you are the problem , guess what you are the problem .


It’s not about ignoring the characters it’s about ignoring the entire account one time only and not keep doing it multiple times for that one account to be ignored.


I think people are setting the bar low and asking for the wrong thing, because most of the problems won’t be solved by account wide ignore on it’s own.

Better moderation, ignore both hiding your posts from the person you ignored and their posts from you would be better options.

As some have argued, yeah some people will ignore others because of misunderstandings or on someone else’s word; but that’s life. That happens anywhere you go and you just have to move past that.

I honestly don’t expect much from the company side fixing things though because even in game ignore doesn’t work right if they’re from another server. Moderation very lacking in both, if everything reported was investigated things would be a lot better. It’s just shocking to me that evading ignore in game to keep messing with someone, big no no. Doing it on the forums, no problem.

Doesn’t help flags/likes being limited to char, Blizz has to know there’s more than a couple posts against the rules up at any given time.


Nah, we’ve been over how that’s a problem

Controlling what you see is fine

Controlling what other people see, not so much


Personally I think it’s fine, if you don’t want to interact with someone you shouldn’t have to, and they shouldn’t be able to freely keep responding to you. There’s the whole rest of the forums for people to post in, and ignore slots as far as I know are still limited in game and here. I think the amount that would ‘abuse it’ would either hit ignore cap or are such a small amount that it would work out fine.

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You’re over stepping and controlling other people’s stuff though

Who cares if they keep responding since it’s not like you can see it


Only from them seeing your posts, which if you don’t want to interact with someone I think is fine. I think someone responding to every one of your posts you make ‘even if you don’t see it’ isn’t OK, especially given how if they had earned an ignore then it probably wasn’t a good conversation already.

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Yet again, who cares what they’re saying

You aren’t seeing it, I don’t think players should be able to control what other people see, just what they say