Can we get account wide ignore?

I want none of that. I just want to be able to ignore an account and not just the current avatar. :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Tried that, still got called a certain thing that suggests I’m preparing others for abuse.


Not everyone will listen and you won’t succeed every time, but I’ve seen many people change people’s minds with enough charisma and help them become better people.

Of course, an important thing to keep in mind is that our idea of ‘better’ might not always be accurate, sometimes morality can be more subjective then we like.

But for me generally I define better, as anything that helps us step towards a more inclusive tolerant society

I’m going to tell you point-blank, it won’t help in the cases I’m referring to. And that’s a good, repeatable example I see here.


I disagree, I’ve been here for years and I’m not the same person I was 4 years ago just before covid happened, I was a very angry bitter person back then

Different, but not better. You are a prime example of the ability to evolve without improvement.


Not to get philosophical, but funny thing about evolution you might want to think about, it’s rarely about ‘improvement’ in my opinion.

Life itself is a process of self discovery, and living things evolve for the primary purpose of surviving, passing on their genes to future generations, and most importantly making adaptions to suit their environment.

In the case of forums and internet, I see them as part of what I would call social evolution, as we as human beings are not just part of a living system but also a rational one, as unlike dare I say lesser animals, that have instinct alone.

Here is the thing, I actually supported much of what Blizzard did when they removed certain /flirt emotes and other things that while some of them may have been funny, one can’t deny they were potentially objectifying to women. It was one case, where I got on board with the changes, believing they are not something that we should fear, because those kinds of changes, while subtle, do show a clear message that Blizzard was taking a stance in standing up against potential sexism and whatnot. Blizzard had to adapt, and I think subtle things like that send a clear message to players that they should be more respectful to one another.

For me, blocking people out is the easy way…but I know you hate me talking about my personal life, so feel free to ignore what I am about to say. If you are still reading, well… this Christmas, it’s time for me to stop being a hypocrite, and practice what I preach. I’ve unblocked the one person that offended me enough this year to earn a block in the first place, while I doubt they’ve redeemed themselves or will ever accept they did anything wrong by me, I wouldn’t be doing me if I didn’t give them a second chance. Taking a gamble and hoping on Christmas Day, they are a bit more receptive to listening to me and what I have to say. I doubt they will, but at least they will know clearly why I had to distance myself from them and the friendship we had…

It’s no skin off my nose if they don’t listen, or even if they block me this time, not saying I won’t be a tiny bit hurt as rejection can hurt, but at the end of the day, sometimes people come into our lives to teach us something…before they move on. Taking a gamble I guess, as usually on Christmas Day, even the people I’ve had trouble and were overly nasty tend to be nicer. At least in my experience.

Oh but btw if that Fox Man that used to post in here was truly saying homophobic nonsense, then he’s copped the penalty and won’t be with us this Christmas, so the way I see it, the system is working as intended.

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Why is that not at all surprising?


I have nothing against that fox but sadly as offending posts get removed will never know if he is guilty or not. Will be disappointing in him if he is guilty because I have close gay friends.

No matter there is always the bright side…

This Christmas you still all have meeee!

Hopefully our luck will be better in 2024.


Not gonna lie, I unhid the post you replied to and I don’t regret it because lol. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I’m watching too.

My first guess was by summer, my second guess is by fall.

Summer or fall give or take, but that is my estimate guess.

When was the last forum re boot?

I think I saw someone say someone 10 years ago.

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I want to say about 2018, so that sounds right.


I meant 10 my bad it’s late where I am.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen until the warband system gets implemented in the pre-patch, sounds like that may be hitting a lot of back end stuff on the character system for that to work, so might tie in with that, unless they end up with a new forum vendor


The old friend i unblocked wished me a happy Christmas…

I honestly thought they were beyond redemption. But maybe i am wrong…still have my reservations.

But i don’t like just ignoring people unless they do really bad

Btw…im sorry if that has nothing to do with the topic.

Have a great christmas day

I put people on ignore on here for saying heinous stuff, not just for being a jerk or having a disagreement game related. I have no desire to have a “discussion” with someone like that.

If someone wants to be a punching bag to try and win them over that’s on them, it’s not for them to volunteer others for that misery.


I believew it was in Legion maybe BfA when we went to the current style of forum we are in now

I use to post in the druid class forum in MoP on my druid. Than I found a raiding guild and haven’t posted there or the forums since.

Times changed for me since then, too busy to raid and m+.

I think even at that time we were able to switch characters, but not sure since I wasn’t aware of the forum layout on what it was in MoP.

To be honest I really didn’t do the forums prior to Legion and b ack then I was mostly in the regular hunter forums and they also had a indevelopement forum for things currently going on diring Legion . To be honest I really didn’t get involved with GD until BfA and even more so in SL .

So like I said either Legion or BfA is when the change happened . I’m thinking it was mid Legion sometime after Blizzcon that it happened .