Can we get account wide ignore?

No one is advocating using account-wide ignore to simply ignore or sweep a problem under a rug. It’s meant to be an improvement to the existing ignore system, which is best used in concert with the reporting mechanisms when needed.


This would probably help a ton with gold spammers


thanks for letting us know there Garrosh :rofl:


It’s not about what you think the “world” did.

It’s how YOU choose to react to it.

Don’t try to pass the blame. Own your :poop:


Translation : I take no responsibility for my crappy narcissistic behavior

Yes to teach us that some people like you for example are not worth our sense of mind and should be ignored on so many levels.

If friendship to you is what casn they do to benefit only you and your life instead of how can this relationship benefit both parties in a meaningful long term way then you were never a friend just a user.


back in my tbc days i was co lead of a very long lasting guild also in classic 2019 was top of my game with a guild there loyalty is the biggest thing i’d say i was a new healer started off very bad but we all worked and grow together the guild leader had a motto what ever it takes and with that we succeeded also one of our members became a big wow youtuber

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Well let’s take a look at why I flagged it. It’s spam… you are intentionally posting nonsense and trying to fish, very poorly mind you, by looping politics and hot button issues into a thread that has nothing to do with whatever nonsense you are spewing.


The most confusing thing in this thread is 2 people saying they’d stop coming back to “bump” the thread have continued to come back

Are they liars or trolls?


Nice try it still shows as it is flagged.

And you haven’t actually argued a point that didn’t have you wax poetically into nonsensical tangents and tap dance around making any point that doesn’t attempt to bring in a hot button/controversial subject in a blatant attempt to get the thread locked and shut down.


I’m pretty sure the reason the person you replied to there is an anon##### name is that their account was closed, and I can’t tell by whom.

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Maybe even if it’s restored on my end, it still shows as ignored for the person that flagged it? Most interesting.

There was no attempt to shut the thread down, my deepest hope is that before Blizzard make a decision on what to do, they weigh up all the pros and cons carefully, and not just cave into what seems to be majority opinion at the time.

For me, all the examples I’ve bought up, have one thing in common, a centralized system…and how centralized systems can be abused. If individual players get access to an account wide ignore, what’s to stop a potential hacker for example? Would be much easier for a hacker to get around a centralized system then not. No matter how good security is. Goodness, the last DDOS attack on Blizzard was only half a year ago.

There are going to be more DDOS attacks and hacking attempts, let’s be honest.

Do you think about what you say before you type it? Do you even know what a DDoS is?

That is a real stupid take on Account wide ignores, those are gonna happen anyways, and have nothing to do with being ignored on the forums.



That’s kinda what she’s famous for though. It’s exactly her brand.


“If I don’t get what I want, the terrorists win!”

Ok W.

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No it doesn’t.


If you mean moi, I never said that. I don’t care if I bump the place or not I’m just watching and occasionally posting with a high probability of my comment being flagged simply just by posting lmfao.
You should be happy since I’m “aiding” your cause, riiiight?

You’re free to put me under ignore if you don’t wanna see my talk every once in a while. :^)

You are putting out a lot of words that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.


This keeps coming up, and I’d hate to break it to you, but what you’re saying here can be latched onto by some of the particularly heinous forum-posters that go after minorities on here, by giving them a defense: “I’m just sharing my opinion!”

Need I remind everyone here that airing opinions that denigrate specific minorities is not voicing an opinion at all? It’s hatred.