Can we get account wide ignore?

That’s a very narrow interpretation of what I was saying.

And yet, dead accurate.


Always nice to see this topic spring back up. Fighting the good fight.


Lilithia is pretty good at pretending to be the loyal opposition, but she can always be counted on to keep the topic bumped and supported.


I really like how this conveniently leaves out transphobia [/sarcasm]


I don’t want to know who your alts are, I just want to ignore all of them.


No… you aren’t sorry. You are intentionally throwing this garbage into the thread in a blatantly obvious attempt to get the thread locked.

I don’t need nor want to know all of someone’s alts. I just want to ignore the player and prevent any further communication from the player. Period. Full stop.


Brags solves that potential issue, thank you for your support.

This is a vidya games forums. I come here for video game news and help, not to listen to trash’s rubbish take on why [insert group] is bad for the game or should be removed or how Garrosh did nothing wrong.

Then be a better person.

Not what ignore does.

Because you’re a jerk, not because you failed some “4D woke judo” going on in your head.


That’s a very simplistic interpretation, that ignores the complexities of life,

The fact of the matter is, I’ve played this game for many years, I haven’t been logging recently of course as I have other stuff going on, but here is the truth of the matter…

So many of you have criticized me of ‘using’ people and whatnot and that’s fine…

But how many times when I was heavily active on WoW trying to keep a guild together and whatnot, did I have people on a raid team, and did people leave to join other guilds, and people say to me “sorry I think it’s time for me to move on seek out greener pastures” for the most part, people often use guilds and whatnot as stepping stones to bigger and better things…

I am what the world made me. Sometimes there will be people come into your life for a season, not necessarily a reason…but sometimes people will come into our lives to teach us a lesson, until the friendship no longer serves us or our goals and dreams, that’s not being a jerk, that’s just the harsh truth of life that I’ve had to learn the hard way…and of course, sometimes peoples feelings are going to get hurt when you reject them, though I admit I would prefer not to reject some people, just put people on the backburner, and make them the least priority in my life for now,

Fact is though this is sometimes necessary. Think of an example where you are in a raid guild for example, but the raid leader has a wife or husband that really sucks at the game and holds the team back…obviously, in my experience, people are going to be loyal to their partner no matter how much smarter than they are then their partner.

But your priority is just killing the new raid bosses as they come out, that’s going to hurt the feelings of the couple when you have a better deal come along, but you know deep down inside…you’re going to do you.

This is why I see wow as a competitive environment, and this is why I am concerned about any centralized systems, I’m happy with Blizzard themselves knowing who my alts all are, but not risking other players finding out.

Wouldn’t a simpler way be for Blizzard to just ban the sockpuppeters anyway with harsher penalties?

Reality is if you get a suspension on this forum, that suspension applies to ALL your alts anyway.

Yeah all those paragraphs you wrote have absolutely nothing to do with this or anything else.

Btags and universal interactions on accounts would do wonders for this and greatly alleviate the mod’s workload.


Weird jab.

Orrrrrrrrrrrr the couple could improve and take feedback, or bow out. If the guild is actual friends that’s what happens. If the guild is not friends and just there for prog then this scenario doesn’t occur in the first place.

“Oh but *random childhood story during WotLK-” yeah yeah yeah don’t care, not saying these situations don’t occur at all, but this amount of destabilization and drama are outliers, not the norm.

Talk with your guildies. Do other content you have fun with. Play other games together. Our Discord is half wow and half ff14 and we all get along great.

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I bet you all would like neighbor and coworker ignore too.


You have no idea


Luckily, I have coworker ignore since I work from home.

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Account wide ignore is a centralized system.

Centralized systems can get hacked and abused. Did you know the FBI is concerned about driverless cars due to cyber criminals getting control of the vehicles?

Just as self-service checkouts reduce the shop keepers workload, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good thing for society as a whole, even if the companies are making mega $$.

We need more customer service back in WoW and Blizzard games, not less.

That never happens if the couple are GM’s and running the guild.

There are no guilds I know of where all 10 players in a raid group are best buddies.

Exactly what I have been doing.

I think that’s part of the problem, we aren’t getting rid of a problem by just ignoring/moving it.

ooookay the concern now is that Btags, the system that already exists, if made to show on accounts their already linked to, will be hacked. Again, the same structure and security and software as before and after.

Actually for places like Walmart and its workers it is good, since they have staff for that area but also when the cashiers were full it wasn’t because they had full cashiers, but because they pulled them from other departments.

Reducing the workload so Mods can address more pressing issues for the 100 of thousands of customers is not asking for there to be less mods.

If they refuse to talk then that doesn’t sound like a friendly guild.

… way to out yourself there…

I’m not legally allowed to make my neighbor move.


Need account wide ignore for certain types crying about no more faction war.


“It’s not my fault I’m a terrible person.”

You’ve just described account-wide ignore.

Historically, you’ve been less than secretive about your alts. You’ve trotted out several of them on the forums, and people have made notes. Honestly? The only way you’ll ever have even a hope of regaining your anonymity here is to nuke your account and start over from scratch. I doubt even that will do the trick, because you are you. You can’t help it, and you certainly can’t hide it (I know you’ve tried).

Everything else should, as well. Ignores, likes, reports, trust level… EVERYTHING.


That’s what earbuds are for. :wink:


Just noticed the initial post I made recently got buried, I’ve reviewed it, and don’t see anything directly offensive in what I said, so don’t feel the need to edit it, but will leave that one to Blizzard now.

Anyway, it’s surprising that post got reported, as I was only stating a few opinions, and as one person did say, me making it technically did bump your topic.

Peace out have a great Christmas.