Can we get account wide ignore?

Yeah, they did. From what I gathered, their definition of flag abuse is pretty narrow, and by far the most common abuse is 1 person using multiple characters to flag the same post repeatedly.

Simply flagging something you don’t like or disagree with isn’t abuse. It’s not how you should ideally be using the system, but it’s not abusing it.


And the only reason it is used as such is because there is no dislike/downvote function to use in its place.

Only if people use alts to mass flag one post.

Most of the time mods don’t check, you have to ask them to check.

I get the impression from posts made by the CS Blues that the mods can tell when they address a flagged post whether or not the flags were raised by unique accounts, or if multiple flags originated from a single account.


The bigger thing is that “flag abuse” gets whined about vastly more often than it actually happens.



Yes, yes they did. …

“Flag abuse” seems to be said most by people who think so highly of themselves they believe “I’m so great there’s no way my opinion could be so disliked! Obviously some aboose is happening!” :dracthyr_love_animated:


Pride cometh before the fall, something certain people need to learn,


Daily (within reason and with occasional long breaks) support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


it’s a good day to support some Account wide ignores and btags for the forums!



I’d take it a step further and say if not using battletags for account wide options they should at least do account wide options in all cases including ignores, likes, flags, posts, etc. that way it’s literally like one person, one account type of thing and then if someone switches characters or whatever they are still them no matter what.


If someone wants to switch characters, it should update their entire post history.

If anyone is still interested in my opinion on this topic,

I understand the intention is to block out people you don’t like, but with that power, comes the risk of people spreading around rumors of who that person’s alts are and whatnot,

Now it’s one thing to not want to listen to obvious forms of trolling and harassment, like homophobia and so on,

But when you ask the bigger philosophical questions…like who defines what real hate speech is and so on, the house of cards comes tumbling down, as in my opinion, everyone is going to have a different view of what’s acceptable and what not acceptable to say, I mean people say terrible horrible things much more than we like,

In my opinion in any forum a robust debate is important, and while I accept that WoW is not real life, nonetheless I stand by what I said before that things like your in-game reputation matters. In real life for example, I prefer to keep my friendship groups separate, I know many other people online have expressed similar experiences, that what they do is they keep their friendship groups apart from each other, as there have been instances where they introduce friends to each other but here is the reality of life…

Different people have different personalities and opinions, and I’ve seen many examples of people introducing friends to each other, and having both friends ditch them. Well not me, I’m smarter than that these days.

That’s why I am against a centralized system which is what account wide ignore is all about, but my fear is that if I said something controversial or even if I slipped up one time and said something that could be construed as offensive (easy to stuff up like that online sometimes), that could then get back to one of my in-game guilds, and I would rather not deal with all of that.

I understand that people in this world say hurtful bad things that we don’t like…and I am not defending some of the bad things people have said in the past, not even some of the things I’ve said, sometimes we do say things that do cause a lot of trouble and hurt.

So I get that some of us feel that Blizzard isn’t doing enough to regulate it, so we want to regulate it ourselves…which is understandable, we would all prefer that there wasn’t any nasty or offensive stuff around. But who defines what’s acceptable to say and do and what isn’t?

Without any universal consensus on that question, it’s not something I think we should just worry about later. See to me, the things that are worthy of outright blocking are sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, or if someone makes you feel unsafe, or in my case, one person was just trying to use me for money. This seems logical enough, there isn’t much outside of that umbrella that I personally consider offensive.

So the concern I have is that if the community starts playing police, and naming and shaming other players they don’t like because they find out who their main alt is, well that would be a problem, in my opinion, it’s only the people who are power mad will try and censor and silence others, which is why I am of the opinion that when it comes to enforcing rules on a public forum, it should always be a human on the other side of the screen that decides what’s offensive and what’s worthy of a suspension, as they are a neutral party,

I know this is playing into a larger issue of people’s right for freedom of speech/expression clashing with people’s right to be offended by this or that, thing is in a game where millions of people around the world play it, you are going to offend someone unfortunately, people are going to have disagreements of whether LFR is good for the game, the lore of WoW, mythic+ and countless other things,

See the reality is I’ve learned something in my life, I can talk to 4 people at a party I had the other week without offending anyone there, but let’s be honest, there are thousands of people that are going to read this post and some of you are going to be offended that I even exist, ergo, because of that, if people find out who all my alts are, they could cause me trouble,

Statements like “if you weren’t doing anything wrong you got nothing to worry about” is problematic as people from different cultures have different values and customs, so the nothing to hide argument doesn’t hold water, it’s like saying you don’t care about free speech because you have got nothing to say, I also think that even the most honest person in the world has dirt and skeletons in their closet, you can find enough information about any grown up person in this world that some governments would use to justify hanging them,

Now sorry if any of this sounded too political or whatever, but it’s relevant to this situation in my opinion, because I’ve seen time and time again people hating and pointing fingers at people for no other reason then the fact that they don’t like them,

I am comfortable with Blizzard knowing all my alts…but not other players.

We are not… But you are gonna troll anyways…


Got some bad news for you…


I’ve still been seeing so many obvious sockpuppets on the forums creating troll threads. Account wide ignore can’t come fast enough imo.


What kind of RP would be? If they blocked you they clearly are not interested in to with you

So you are afraid of consequences for your actions.