Can we get account wide ignore?

Sorry why was this concerning?

Please if I’ve done something to offend anyone, especially the gay community in this game, please let me know so I can edit the post, as that’s the LAST thing I want.

The riders and categories you put, “are they okay because they’re your friends?” It’s feeding into the narrative.

Just, poor phrasing, sorry.

Ah, so you are saying that the implication is because they are my friends therefore I trust them, is actually a kind of micro-aggression in itself, as it’s implying that people that we don’t know might be more suspect based on arbitrary factors like sexuality and so on, when in reality, nobody should assume anything about anyone, is that what you mean?

Pretty much


Nope you do have to put some people on ignore and not engage. The more you feed the situation, the worse it gets. Those nutjobs described in that stalking thread are one example.

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Did that undead mage just say basically “I’m not a racist/bigot/etc because I have so and so as friends”?


I think I realize my error in this case, though I am not worried about you thinking I’m a bigot, I’m more worried about avoiding a micro-aggression I didn’t realize that could be construed as offensive to certain minorities

Yeah, that’s about what I’d expect from you, to be honest. The only thing you’ve ever truly been worried about is keeping up appearances.


The stalker topic was about in-game, but if you look you could see a whole bunch of people blaming the OP and calling her a liar meanwhile, I get called a stalker simply because I posted in a topic someone who hates me thinks I was following them so much so her and her friend allegedly contacts support over it LOL…
If a regular posted that topic you’ll get tears and hugs all around.
These forums are so sad at times but it’s like a train wreck I just keep coming back to lol.

I do think moderation overall, forum and in-game needs a tighter grip.

At this point, I’m thinking Lili is actually a plant. She’s secretly for account wide ignore and has been trolling GD this entire time to demonstrate the need for account wide ignore. Kind of how Batman is the hero we need. Not the hero we deserve. :bat:


What of until said ban? I’d rather cut off the person at that point and not worry about them repeating.

This isn’t the best supporting statement you could use… not the worst, but not the best by a moonshot.


I remember the part where the alleged harassers popped in to acknowledge that the behavior was bilateral, and neutral witnesses from the server confirmed that the ‘victim’ was giving just as good as they were getting.

That’s not harassment, that’s mutual combat.

That being said, let’s not derail this topic with gossip about another.


I dunno… I really don’t like being ignored.

I mean… if someone’s willing to cause issue, they should understand the potential consequence.


You’re right. Only if you have proof if people are causing an issue. Most of the time, they aren’t and people flag bomb them because they think they’re trolling when they aren’t.
Some of you need to see the difference but it’s kinda hard when you’re 100% set in your ways lol.

This topic has been derailed like 1,000 times from everyone from every side here.
You’re slacking on your policing duties friendo, or choosing who to police.
Big cough

Citation needed here; I’ll flag when something can be reasonably interpreted as abusive.


Because most of the time people are actually expressing an opinion. The only time I flag is if people are really like really bad, not because I don’t want an ignore feature or a feature of some sort lmao. Flagging is seriously abused.

If you think some people aren’t being sincere then why be on a forum?

Because this is where things can be discussed about the game, and can potentially be seen by devs/CS/etc.

Notwithstanding the point that there are plenty of people that come to this forum to not be sincere.


how so? Define the “flag abuse” that you claim is happening, and propose a solution without catching legitimate behavior in the crossfire.

Wasn’t this discussed on the CS forums recently? A blue chimed too.