Can we get account wide ignore?

The generally accepted term for that is ‘dodging a bullet’.


How many times have you tried that? How many times has it failed? You have never, at any point, been able to disguise your true self. Not. One. Single. Time.

You tried that already, too. It still didn’t work.


Just out of curiosity, does Blizzard ban people who spam the flag function?
I had about 10 or so things flagged here and all restored.
It’s gotta be the same 3 folks who having this topic tabbed with a notification on lol.

3 people will not shadow a post.

That’s all it takes to report and had the post hidden, though.
Just wondering how they go on about reports on the flag system.

They don’t. You’d have an awful hard time proving intent.


They have suspended people for abuse of the report system. You are not gonna know who though.

Also, 1 report doesn’t mean the post gets looked at. Just saying for whoever told me it does, that is false lol.

No, it does. One report is sufficient. More reports just gets it looked at faster.


Okay, I was wondering why my post of telling a user to take a break from the forums was considered trolling but them calling me pathetic -which is why I told them to take a break - was not viewed or anything despite being reported which was a comment right after that post lol. That’s all.

Back to whatever you all were doing.

If its mass flagged by the same person using alt army, person can get a suspension to a ban. You have to ask mods to check though. Mods can see everyone’s character attached to their battleetag account.

Say if you been flagged and all those flags are attached to the one account that’s a suspension or a ban.

Reason an old friend won’t post here anymore, because one person kept mass flagging him.

If you have any other questions Customer Support can help better than I can, blues have better answers.

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Oh, that post. It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.


Hey me saying someone needs to take a break on the forums…for real (Literally what I said), doesn’t seem like it’s all that bad compared to “You’re pathetic” and “Worthless/Nobody” etc etc especially when it’s sound advice when someone goes completely manic. The fact that isn’t gone yet is odd moderation imho.

I know no one will agree because this is a group versus everyone else but still.

i agree but how hard is it to hit ignore - u can do it numerous times really easy.


Thanks but I’m not that interested but the moderation has me questioning if it’s even real people now but instead just goes through certain words and and just hit yes or no. It might have been caught because I quoted her saying pathetic towards me and I was flagged lol. Never gonna know with Blizzard. /Shrug.

also while its “frowned upon by bliz” sometime many people play the same account but under different players

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It’s not hard at all . The problem is quite a number of characters we have in our ignore box are the same person or people changing toons to bypass the ignores.

We don’t want to ignore individual characters , we want to ignore the person/s behind those characters.

We want a 1 and done and not have to indiviually ignore the 160 different toons available to each person .

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idk last time i came in people jumped on me thinkin i was others and i cant even find the ignore button. where is it? dont have time to deal with paranoia in people so if someone can tell me thatll be great thanks.

Maybe try omitting the gaslighting.


If by ‘frowned upon’ you mean explicitly against the EULA, then yeah, it’s frowned upon.