Can we get account wide ignore?

I’m not sure which of them you are talking to because I have them all ignored but because they are all trollers and they act like if they feign support to whatever they are saying that it adds credibility but it actually makes them look worse because it’s easy to spot and to track alts with different online things and as you just said the way people talk and post gives it away as well.


Lil is having trouble telling the difference between social media and a gaming forum, good thing a gaming forum has nothing to do about anything what she just said. :upside_down_face:

Account wide ignore, make the WoW forums be formalized like the other Blizzard forums it’s time to have the same format set up since this is also a Blizzard game.


Can you get anymore fake?

We here already have :man_facepalming:

This isn’t the real world. You sure you go out for “walks” because sounds to me you haven’t stepped out of your basement for a real long time


You have no freedom of speech or expression on a private venue, you are making obtuse people look bad.


Which can be undone when I switch alts if needed.

That’s why I have loved this forum so much honestly.

Um, no it’s not. The point of the internet is the free dispersion of information. Sociopaths such as you, use it to troll and hide, as if you did it in real life, there would be severe consequences. Times are changing and you are losing that venue due to people being tired of the abuse.

As they saying goes “It’s why we cannot have nice things”.


your alts are painfully obvious just fyi


With your malignant personality, finding out who you are posting on will not be an issue, you do make it quite easy.


I will probably switch to a Classic Alt if account wide ignore comes out

Wow. Just wow. :astonished:


Um, Classic Wow is part of your account, they’ll get ignored too with account wide ignores.


you should just put your efforts into something more positive


Oh that would suck as atm only my classic alts seem to get completely under the radar when I can no longer take the heat.

Most “smart” people would learn NOT to start fires if they can’t take the heat.


So the consensus can now be boiled down to “harden up” when it comes to wanting to be able to ignore a player rather than just a character?

How mature.

I think it’s entirely appropriate to want to ignore people who take to trolling threads such as the LGBTQ+ Megathread with open hate, as just one example. We should not have to contend with blocking off one character at a bloody time, when we can potentially block off the entire account of a bad actor at once (and thus not have to worry about them coming back without an entirely new license/account).


But the people trolling those threads are asking for a vacation and will get banned on all alts anyway so what difference does it make

I can appreciate, to some degree, that you’re so blase about being a troll.

But it doesn’t help your case at all. In any case, thanks for helping make our case.


No kidding , when have they ever shown a decent side to themself

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You address them regardless. “What difference does it make” is, with all due respect, kicking the can.

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Thanks for proving why we need account wide ignore. Keep up the support :wink: