Can we get account wide ignore?

It’s clear you don’t, at all.

You’re making up stories, attacking another person here and I’m going to ask you to stop it.


Hope you are feeling better .

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Thank you, I’m in my sunset years, so it takes me a little longer to recover than the young folk. :smile:

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Not sure if I’m in that category yet (mid 50s) But I do understand taking longer to recover compared to those that are younger .

I commonly refer to age as ones body paying them back for the stupid stuff they did when they were younger.


Yup, definitely suffering for the sins of our youth.


We’re from the latch key feral better be home when the street lights come on big metal slide hose drinking generations .

What ever didn’t kill us made us sarcastic and a lack of fs to give :smiling_imp:


Exactly. hehehe.


Ooh boy. Showered off the past couple days of chaos, ate some good food, and I am ready for today shenanigans…

Just a reminder, we want the ability to ignore the player not the posting character, and it no way impedes their ability to make a post.



Account wide ignore works for the other Blizzard forums and no one protests about that, it’s time for the WoW forums to fall in line with them and stop being in the dinosaur ages and get updated.

One identity, one flag, one like, pick a character one expansion cool down to change avatars not characters and become a different entity.

Let’s leave the insanity and stop the bypassing, ignore, and sockpuppeting and feel somewhat not some kind of insane asylum.

If people want to sockpuppet and bypass ignore, please subscribe and buy The War Within only for a low, low, price of $49.99. No refunds after posting in the forums and 30 days of gameplay.


I still vote no.

Why so many people aren’t choosing to just enjoy their freedom of speech is beyond me, this is one of the few popular places online where people can say what they like and not have to worry,

They still get banned if they go too far of course,

If i wanted to worry about things getting back to my real self I would stick to Facebook

There is only one real self.


The whole point of the internet is to show the world only what you want people to see,

And if i don’t like what people are seeing anymore I can begin again.

Imagine a situation where someone saw my darker side but if they hadn’t seen that could have ended up in love with that person who knows.

The systems may change. But all I know is that I need to maintain as much control as I can

But the person you are showing is who you truly are. Why hide behind a mask? I am who I am. Maybe I’m just old. 65

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It’s not, though. It’s a privately owned video game forum. There are other “free speech zones” on the internet. This isn’t one of them, and never has been.

There’s no way for a person to find your real life information through the forum with or without account-wide ignores unless you have put your real life information on the forums. The worst they could do is find your alts that you’ve also posted with if they were super obsessed and had a grudge against you and only you in particular, but they could do the same under the current system by comparing pets.

One, no it’s not, and two, why is other people not wanting to see your posts less important in that scenario than a theoretical edge case where an obsessed person could maybe find your alts?

“I want to trick people into falling in love with me by pretending to be someone I’m not!” isn’t the compelling argument in your favor that you think it is. If anything, it makes it that much more important that people be able to control their own experiences on the forums and screen out people like you from worming their way into their lives under false pretenses.


Wow the good and real vibes you usually give off I never would of guessed that age, I would of guessed much younger, go you. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:


My body says otherwise! But thank you.

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I vote no because there is no point when these people don’t have self control and gang up on people when they have an opinion. I stated why and got told to grow up and 2 people personally went to Customer Support to waste their time on silly stalking allegations.

So yup, no to account wide.
Learn to deal or NOT deal with people by IGNORING them via scrolling or USING the IGNORE FEATURE that’s in CORRECTLY.

And now I wait for this post to reported and restored.

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Why do you keep switching your posting character? I know who you are from your posting style.

Quoted from before.

I’m either Ard, Lilthia or some random Gnome.
Add another to the hat, detective.

No, you are none of those.