Can we get account wide ignore?

I like to think people like that make the case for why there should be account wide ignores, however it also as I said makes it easy for someone like me to report them so it’s kind of a double edged sword because if they didn’t rave and rave I couldn’t of submitted the ticket with all the screenshots I did so I have mixed feelings.


You saying you like everyone you’re talking to? How sweet.

Wouldn’t want to be your friend, considering how you seem to treat people you like, but so sweet nevertheless.

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I am been reporting him all the time, and continue to do so.He’s not here for a discussion, just fight others for some self important reasoning.


Have you done it on a ticket support level yet because that’s what I just did about on going forum harassment.



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I see and well hopefully mine will get some better traction since I did submit where they told me to ignore them, I did, then they followed me to the other thread to harass me, linked from there to here and have carried on all throughout the day today so hopefully something appropriate will happen to them.


No I’m saying I don’t talk to people I don’t wanna deal with. If Moon ignored me because I thought she did before when I asked, she said she didn’t, then said she was going to and because I appeared in the link topic I’m a stalker but then un-ignores me.

Explain to me how that makes sense. Go look at that topic and look at my ONE and only post. I think she thinks I’m the OP lol. Look I’m not gonna play Hot Pot and remember every single time someone ignores/unignores me. I ain’t keeping up with that.

That was a lot of words to try and distract from the fact that this:

was complete nonsense.

Of course people still talk to people they don’t like, or even actively dislike. People are compelled to make their case, to defend themselves, to make their point known.

It’s sometimes the right call to stop talking to people you dislike, or make you uncomfortable in any way, but that’s not the reality in most cases.

Trust me, most people here wouldn’t see anything I say if it were reality.

Ignore tools are a form of self-moderation. They let you decide to filter out a specific person and the things they say at your whim. To unignore is simply to give a second chance, or to change your mind about the value of what they say vs the frustration it may cause you.

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If you don’t have an issue with them then it should be very easy for you to leave them be.


Yes and we’re talking about here, on the forums, where you can easily do that.
So you’re right, in reality, people can’t seem to do that can they?

Her last post was to me and every other posts after was about me with a lot of nasty words…So yeah, barking at the wrong tree my guy.

Everything I said was meant to be taken together, not as separate parts.

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Asking you to respect when someone has clearly asked you to leave them alone is not barking up the wrong tree. You can’t spin “I’m reporting you” into, “I take back what I said about leaving me alone.”

They have been very clear. Please respect it.


I haven’t talked to her since her final reply to me…
So you can lay the sword and shield down dude.

That said, I’m gonna go now. Enjoyed the talk, will be back later because why not.
Take care folks either way it goes.

Well since the whole thing they’re attacking her over is her getting annoyed because of someone’s LONG habit of switching alts in discussion to make sure people who have them ignored see what they say, it’s not inconsistent to not respect others boundaries


You’re the one who was arguing with me.

Glad we’re both on the same page now.

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On this character or another? Or both?

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You guys are the detectives here, so you tell me.
Have a good night.

Consider it an olive branch. Good faith.

You as well!

Except they didn’t. But nice try thou.