Can we get account wide ignore?

I feel like this needs to be said twice since you clearly don’t get it.


So you think what she said about me being pathetic was totally fine?

I don’t like using the word stalk for this because I’ve had an actual stalker and it’s much more unsettling.

However, particularly angry forum users do have a habit of following people around and commenting just to rile you up.


the phrase “Don’t ask a question you don’t want the answer to” comes to mind here.,

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I mean you do bring up and link different threads in here in an attempt to derail it



Not what I said, so don’t put words in my mouth either.

I didn’t even read that because I thought you meant the OP. I never even talked to you in that thread, I simply linked your bad behavior here and told people you get like this.

Go look lmao.

I asked a question, how is that putting words in your mouth?

I’ve been stalked by multiple people on here the last few months, one of them actually sexually harassed me here, in Discord and on Twitter so yeah I’m well aware of how stalkers act and the fact that person yesterday told me to ignore them, then I did and they decided all the sudden to follow me into another thread and try to push this false narrative is pretty telling in my opinion.


I’m starting to see why you’re on the side of this discussion that you’re on.

Like, go off, king, but people are gonna react to you accordingly.

I’m sorry to hear this, but I do mean IRL stalking. I had someone outside my window in the early morning, waiting for me after work, etc.

Not to diminish what you dealt with, just that I try to separate the two a bit.


Phrased as an assumption: “So you…”

No my point of all that was the obsession against this is so bad it’s getting seeped into other threads where people are telling her to chill.

She just said she ignored me and then said she unignored. So if we had account wide options guess what’ll happen? She’ll unignore me again…

I’ve come to see that the feature will be pointless as no one here would be using it correctly. Ya’ll are just proving it time and time again.

This is a complete non-sequitur.


Stop stalking me, linking my posts, harassing me, etc. just because I do ignore you, you are legit next level creepy.


Another popular tactic in these threads


I just know the feature won’t be used correctly. You aren’t even using the ignore button now. It’s just mass flagging and the mods once again restoring the post. My shifts almost up though so the others can come in lol. My stance changed though because of the Pink chick acting like that. So no to the account wide ignores. Learn to use the system you have now.

But the example you used to say as much was an example of it being used correctly.

To ignore someone is not, has never been, and never will be to never unignore them. That’s why the option to unignore exists.

Also to be quite blunt with you, grow the hell up.


Curiously, I don’t see any posts in here that were flagged that are now un-flagged. I’ve only seen the one that’s currently flagged.

Naughtymoon has now very clearly asked you to leave them alone, and expressed you’re making them uncomfortable. There’s only one right choice for you to make here, and I hope you choose it.


It’s okay, I’m reporting you, I’m writing a ticket right now because you told me to ignore you yesterday I did, then you followed me to another thread, you linked my post here which pinged me and you have been pinging me since so I have a pretty iron clad case to report you and I’m going to because you are a total creeper, learn to actually behave and not be so gross and stalker like.


Says there’s no need for account wide ignores.

Has been going on for how long trying to shame someone for a situation that would have never happened if there were account wide ignores.


So let me ask ya, if you don’t like someone and feel uncomfortable do you still make efforts to speak to them?
I don’t have an issue with her honestly lol.

Also, these accusations and spit balling like that are pretty extreme and seriously think a forum vacation is needed, if not a permanent one. None of that of what she said is really necessary and it’s pretty bad…like really bad. You can’t say it’s not lmao.