Can we get account wide ignore?

I’d gladly trade a raid tier for account-wide ignore.


Ayo? You good?

Feels like I got punched in the chest and limbs hurt. I just ache all over.

Get some sleep and rest well home slice.

Tired of Sleeping… Hungry now, eyeballing some turkey right now. May make a turkey salad.


No you harassed someone over options in a video game and accused them which was silly. Also funny, I thought you ignored me but here you are. I live rent free with everyone else I guess.

Edit: On a side note - I’m wondering if the mods are tired of unflagging things constantly from false reports from you guys or they’re just laughing at this like me lol. You guys might wanna ask for more Flag limits while you’re at it lmfao.

Can we get the option to ignore ourselves? :thinking:

I did ignore you, then I unignored you because you linked one of my posts and I got notification about it, you think I am going to let you sit making up a bunch of lies about me when none of it is true?

I mean sorry to break it to you but nothing you’ve said about anything whether it’s in this thread, the other thread or me in general has actually been true, you are pathetic.


Sending positive vibes your way

I hope you are doing well

Are we doing the thing again where we ignore years of context and patterns of behavior to shame someone for getting annoyed at someone continuing to behave badly and acting like that is the biggest crime?


We are apparently…

Actually that was Tarrok not me and honestly he wasn’t really wrong in saying that about you because you have proven it time after time.

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I think we all need to take a break. Pet a dog or a cat. Hug a tree or something. Do something that releases dopamine.

I do keep forgetting that remembering people is a problem.


How did I stalk you from going into a Void Elf thread? I just happen to see you there LOL.

How about stop picking fights?


Whatever stalker, you are yet another good example of why we need account wide ignores on here so people like you can’t stalk people like me just to be creepy and harass them.

I also wanna point out that this comes after I ignored them yesterday that they decided to stalk me to another thread and to start harassing me.

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Next you’re going to say I’m the OP from that topic and alt hopping. I thought I was Ard/Lilithia/GnomeLock. xD This is so crazy, it’s almost worth posting on Reddit. Girl, you aren’t getting stalked because I just HAPPEN to view a topic you so HAPPEN to be in.

But how else are they going to try and bait people into something that they can try to get them banned for?