Can we get account wide ignore?

I don’t mind Ard, but discussing things with him is very exhausting. He takes stances he can’t defend.

The person in that thread admitted to alt hopping. A few of the posters in this thread, who appear to be on account level vacations now, were intentionally alt hopping to circumvent blocks.

Account wide ignores in no way suppress the ability of the ignored to post on the forums. At this point you are just echoing conspiracy theory nonsense.

forever is one word… not two. Has a totally different meaning when used that way.


I didn’t used to mind him until I seen him actively trolling in different threads including this one, as well as defending harassment, racism, discrimination, etc. then I chucked him on ignore because legit in my book when it comes to those type of things you really shouldn’t be trying to defend the bad behavior.


A lot of people don’t understand that deleting a post does not, in fact, remove it from existence. You can still be reprimanded or banned for a deleted post, because moderation can still see what you’ve written. Accusing people of deleting posts “so they don’t get into trouble” is just silly.


That’s fair.

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If they block everyone that is pro High Elf customization then the only person being limited is the blocker… not the blockee. Block is just a filter.

Ok? And? When you share your account with family members (within the limits of what is allowed by Blizzard) you accept that any action committed by anyone using the account can result in the account being penalized.

Private forum that you have to have a active account in order to post on.

I don’t see a problem with this suggestion honestly.

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What’s funny is none of my posts in that thread thus far have been flagged or moderated or I wouldn’t still be here talking to any of you right now so that whole ramble of that I’m deleting my posts or had them deleted because of them being flagged made me laugh because legit it hasn’t happened to even one of them yet.

All I’ve done is just withdraw them but none of them have been greyed out due to them being so bad or whatever so the Evoker as Starla said is just trying to make me look bad without an actual basis and then dragging it into this thread which is funny given the way they tried to spin it where someone is actually harassing me and interacting me after knowing and acknowledging that they know they are ignored is a weird take because all it does is reinforce why ignore should be on an account wide level instead of a character to character.


Tbf I only got a day’s suspension for my drunken tirade when by rights I’d probably earned much longer.

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account wide ignore would be nice. There’s a few unsavory people with mental health issues on the forums that constantly have nothing nice to say.


lol i got drunk a few weeks ago…been there. Got suspended for a day. Came back. The account wide ignore though, like there’s a dude legit stalking me on here. Foxmulder or whatever. It’s creepy.

I recognize that name. Cannot remember my opinion of them, though.

Heads up, they can report you for saying thier name like that. So I’d recommended using an abbreviated name or letter structure if you’re referring to someone specifically.

My comment, was just listing things I thought could be used as counter arguements, not that I particularly agree with those takes.

As for this one in particular.

I’ve let me nephews play on my account before, and let them make thier own toons when they’d visit.

But I’d be mortified if I got myself on an ingore/block list because one of them used my account to get onto the forums.

Again, like I said it’s a VERY VERY rare outlier situation, which is why I don’t even want to support the argument for it. Because I think it’s SO rare to happen.

But I was just providing the counter argument potential for it.

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Okay. I just wanna get this straight. The stalker can report me and cause me grief because I publicly outed his behavior?

Yes, it is against the Terms of Service to name drop people, as it’s considered a form of bulling and harassment in it of it’self.

Blizz mainly seems to care when it’s Employees who are mentioned in posts by the community. But I’ve seen them also take action for calling out people’s toons.

You don’t Khrog/Doobly

Because if you did have any self control, you’d stop alt hopping every time you get ignored.

You don’t want account wide ignores because you know that you can’t control your need to be the center of attention and troll people.

We can’t control how you act but we can ask Blizz to allow us the tools to control our experience and the ability to account wide ignore would improve it


The dude constantly badmouths me. I don’t know why. Blizz has never taken action against him either. So, whatever.

Cool. I know I tend to come off… a little harsh but once you get used to me you’ll realize it’s just me.


I’m seeing the usual suspects are at play. I’m browsing the forums on my phone today, I’m was in the hospital as I had a mild heart attack yesterday. Finally I am home in bed.

Just a reminder, we want the ability to ignore the player not the posting character, and it no way impedes their ability to make a post.


Gonna need you to get some rest and get to feeling better.


That must have been very scary! Hoping you recover quickly and get better. :hugs: