Can we get account wide ignore?

After my experience with someone on these forums yesterday again I’m back to wanting account wide ignores because legit my ignore list shouldn’t be full of the same person or people because they decide to jump from character to character to still harass me or interact with me because it’s not okay, especially when they acknowledge multiple times that they know that I have them ignored and then they still do it.

Account wide options should include - ignores, likes, flags, posting, links, etc.


Nah what you did was harass a user over customization options and went back and deleted your posts to not get in trouble and are now pretending you’re innocent in which some of your post did get reported and deleted lol.

I honestly say this out of true kindness that you should really take a break from the forums. I know she’s gonna read this and pretend she doesn’t but going on a rampage over that topic because you thought someone was alt hopping to harass you is a little much. No one is seriously out to get you like you think people are really doing.

That and I’m almost positive a few here got banned (like the Nelf) for trolling so badly lately.
It’s getting rather embarrassing on ya’lls end tbh.

I see we’re now again attacking a side rather than the argument itself…


The lack of account-wide ignores continues to hurt the forums.


Ignore people you don’t want to speak to for the time being, you don’t need a button to do so. That was proof enough that some of you are so into this account wide nonsense that it’s seeping into other places because people think they’re out to get them on a completely unrelated topic.

You’re dismissing instances of stalking that have in fact occurred. I’ve had that happen before, and it is not fun.

I still remain convinced that an ability to ignore a player in full, rather than just a character, will help dissuade trolls from griefing threads and alt-hopping to sidestep ignores.


How was that person stalking? As far as I saw it was a Velf asking for CC options and the Pink chick blew up.
Who’s stalking who?

I am not referring to this specific example, rather speaking in general.

What you’re engaging in is attacking the character of the proponents of account-wide ignore, rather than the legitimacy of the idea. FOCUS. ON. THE. IDEA.


Account wide ignores hurt no one other than trolls and people who want to harass others. I can’t think of, nor have I read, a legitimate argument to the contrary.


I’ve already said my stance on this as did all of you for the past year but when you’re now getting so paranoid with thinking people are purposely alt hopping and some just NEED to have the last word then this makes them look like they have no self control. It’s just getting ridiculous. Some of you seriously need a break from these forums, not even saying this in a mean way.

And there is still nothing I’ve seen that’s even close to being a legitimate argument against it. Privacy doesn’t apply as it doesn’t expose personal information; anonymity should not be a shield against accountability; there is no inherent right to reintroduce oneself to another person, using another character, if the other person has ignored you.

People have alt-hopped, and in every instance I’ve seen it specifically, it was to troll specific threads openly.

Now stop going after individual people.


I’m not claiming people haven’t it’s true but don’t assume people are doing it to you out of spite or harm. I’m now just thinking this is all a rouse for some Witch Hunt that was mentioned here earlier and not used for good intentions.

P.S. Ya’lls whole side has been against me, Ard and Lilithia for ever. So…

The only ones I can think of are:

  1. It’s a public forum, so discussion shouldn’t be stifled. But that could easily be worked around, but just letting ignored ppl read the comments, without being able to quote or direct reply to the person who’s ignored them.
  2. Although rare, sometimes family members do share a WoW account, with different characters actually being different people. But I like I said it’s pretty rare.
  3. If someone is just really sensitive so they’re blocking people who they just don’t agree with. Like say Blocking everyone who supports High Elf Customization or something. Then it could make limit what a lot of people on the forums can see or even interact with.

I’ve seen this, it’s brutal. Granted it’s also funny when they point out the Alt Hopper, and they’re just like “OPE”.

Also, I’m not saying Forum wide blocks or ignores shouldn’t happen. I was just stating potential counter arguments I thought of, that MIGHT apply.

Gee, wonder why people aren’t cheering to support a chronic liar, someone who admits they don’t want it so they can get away with saying horrible things constantly, and another who needs to derail the threads topic



Let’s go ahead and quickly discuss (thanks for the numbered list):

  1. Yep, it’s a public forum (yet not in the form protected by the First Amendment), but discussion wouldn’t be stifled if the ignores still function as they do today - just as account-wide. Remember that in the current implementation, interaction is as normal, with exception that the blocking person simply can’t read their posts without clicking a “view hidden” option.
  2. Rare indeed as sharing an account is often discouraged. But in the case of families, it’s a thing. I know some will have multiple licenses tied together so they can play together, so perhaps ignoring the specific WoW account rather than the full account may make sense.
  3. That’s still on them today, in the current implementation.

I have my reasons for distrusting Ard specifically, and a few people in here have seen what has led me to be that way.


Then maybe… Try to avoid saying controversial things?

That should be a no-brainer.


I guess disagreeing with people is attacking



If you believe you’ve been attacked the right option is to report. It’s not to be guilty of doing the same thing yourself, as you have been here.


I just want to point out that the Evoker that keeps talking like they know what they are talking about is laughable because legit in the thread I’ve been deleting all my posts there basically because I don’t want it to look like I’m lending my support to Void Elf anything and that’s why I have deleted most of my posts, however that had absolutely zero to do with the person that intentionally keeps bypassing my ignores to harass and interact with me and the fact they are promoting it and saying well just ignore them and it’s like when you do and they bypass it it’s a prime example of why a troller such as them needs to be ignored on an account wide level.


Naughtymoon, imo it seems like they’re just trying to make something out of nothing in an effort to attack you and hoping it will make it seem like somehow it effects this topic.
It’s pretty pathetic, imo. :crazy_face: