Can we get account wide ignore?

Been reading this thread and checking back on it regularly but not posting because simply put out of the 8.5k posts in this thread, I haven’t see an actual argument against account wide ignore like this one below this line.

Not related to account wide forum ignores.

Battle tags or not, I’m still just as anonymous and you still don’t know me personally.

Having account wide forum ignores is not going to reveal anything.


Acoount wide Ignores , Likes and Flags for 2024


risk of hacking because you got ignored? Try again

Last I check getting ignored doesn’t give out your irl name. Try again.

You’re the 1 harassing here by bypassing people’s ignore. Try again.


Posting here in support of account-wide ignores again - because it is not a person’s character that causes problems, but the person behind the character.


I remember when I switched to Lilithia before I joined this thread, I found myself quite popular on the forum for a while, it was probably a stupid idea to speak out on this issue on this alt, but I just couldn’t be bothered with an anon forum alt,

There was a time when Blizzard seemed to be okay with people posting on low level toons and whatnot and not their raid toons, saying ‘people had their reasons’,

You don’t want the controversial things you say getting back to your raid guild especially if you’re in a good one do you

So… you’d prefer being unaccountable.


That is what I just said, yes.

It was the norm for years, it was nice to just come to this forum and say what you want to say (provided it didn’t break the code of conduct) and not have to worry about things spilling back to your friends or guild.

Lucky it worked for you. I don’t think you have a good motive or the best interest of the majority of people who post here. I’m going to guess the majority of the people posting here would find an account wide ignore to be in their best interest and it would do the most good.
You have your idea and you opinion but in the end I don’t believe Blizz should consider it seriously.


You are the epitome of everything broken and wrong with this forum.


Translation: I want to be a troll and offend every person I can find as long as I can’t be blame for my actions w/ people I know.

Man you’re a piece of work. You should do that long walk you keep doing and just keep going and never come back :wink:


Couldn’t have said it better.


Or should we say their lack of character


I don’t know why people engage with her .

She has shown over and over that she’s a toxic narcissist with a pinch of sociopath sprinkled in


Sociopathy is no longer a recognized condition.

Sorry to be that person.

(Though if it were I think I’d agree.)

well i’m glad we are starting to move away from the constant raging dumpster fire


Is it because the sociopaths have become the norm now adays ?

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IIRC it was simply removed because it was just a misdiagnosis of one of two already existing conditions. I’ll have to double check.


What a post how did I miss that


It kind of sucks, but usually when someone harasses a player, they just pick one character to bother. I guess if you see the person doing the harassing in game while you are on an alt you can go ahead and block them too, before they have a chance to start anything.