Can we get account wide ignore?

… if only I could play a whoosh effect…

No, we do not. I can only ignore your current character, and right now I think you warrant watching.


If you’re going to ‘watch’ people just to make sure they don’t stir the pot then you needing any other features is moot. You’d just un-ignore them just to see if they’re doing something. This is why I feel like the account wide thing would be a fail and a waste of time on Blizzards end. They obviously claim it isn’t priority and they’re right, for once lol.

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Not really, as if it’s implemented in the way the current is, items can always be freely opened (temporary peelback) without removing the ignore entirely.

even then its not really a block…they can still see and respond on your stuff, and you on them…

I rather liked the bug that removed the “View Hidden Post” from an ignored character, I wished they would have kept that.

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I don’t, because it allows for flagging if necessary. Being on someone’s ignore list should not grant immunity from consequence if appropriate for a post.


I see your point.


There is a lady’s lounge thread and a gentleman lounge thread, nice try though.

I don’t support bypass ignore, I support account wide ignore.

Your doom and gloom is imaginary, and the other Blizzard forums works just fine without issues with account wide ignore.




You know I had considered hopping to an alt, or just taking a break from this thread until after Christmas, but once again, I’ve reflected on this deeply that if I was to give up on my cause and case, I would regret that. Besides, if I switch to an alt, all that would do is risk ruining that alt’s reputation so may as well stick to Lilithia. Even if the people on the Yes side get what they want, if Blizzard even put in something to protect people’s privacy so we all get what we want that would be good.

Please know I am not out to ‘troll’, I am going to do my best to just argue my case, and the way I see it, if what I am saying has validity, history can judge that. Anyway, these are my arguments as to why I say no.


It is good to be as anonymous as possible online. Being anonymous prevents hackers from getting access to sensitive information, and problem is that any centralized system can be more vulnerable to hacks. We’ve seen that in the real world recently with telcos and other things.

In Wow, we’ve seen recently that they had to crack down on gold sellers as it is with the whole wow token fiasco.

Did you know in South Korea they have this thing called RNN, which is required to register online accounts, which sounds good in theory, one online identity…but they’ve been hacked before and their details used by cyber criminals. Which actually were not just randoms online, but actual employees in the same companies doing it.

Not saying that would happen with the wow forum, but that’s the danger of any centralized system. With a centralized system, I concede I see that as unlikely in this situation…but still more possible.


I understand people will say things like “if you are not doing anything wrong, you don’t have anything to fear” but this greatly underestimates the evil of human nature.

The assumption that only people that want to engage in nefarious activities or to just cause trouble would want their identity protected, but that is not the case, there are in fact many good reasons to want to be as anonymous as possible online.

Identity protection is a big thing. Sometimes online you don’t WANT people to know who you are, it doesn’t mean you are involved in anything illegal or questionable, in fact, I would argue there’s a certain social safety that comes with anonymity, and that can be very important for introverts in the online community.

The short point is, that some people only want select people to know their real selves, as it really takes someone to know you, take time to understand why you think they way you do, before you trust enough to open up. Which brings me to the next point…


Online anonymity plays a role in freedom of expression; for the most part, my opinion is that if people are breaking the forum code of conduct, it’s not one alt that gets the penalty, it’s your entire account. I think that a lot of people in this world are silenced unfairly, and being allowed to speak without fear of repercussion isn’t always a bad thing, in fact, sometimes it’s a good thing.

For those that say that they want the right to block/ignore a specific person, here is the thing, you should never really trust anyone on the internet 100% anyway, which is why I like to be private as possible, and by the way when I say private, people have told me in the past that I’ve been saying too many things about my ‘sad life’ but for me it’s still private what I am saying, as you don’t know my real name or address etc,

Revealing too much information about yourself is dangerous as can result in death threats, doxxing, revenge p#$! and whatnot.

Yes, I take responsibility that I’ve said stupid crap in the past, but I think it’s safe at the time to say I was being 100% truthful, but when people didn’t agree it give me a chance to change my outlook, and by the way, this included much WoW related stuff that we talk about to do with the game too,

Anyway in a closing argument, I would just say at this point that I’m chill with what Blizzard decides to do on this issue, but I think they should go about it carefully is all. And I know what you are all going to say, people point out how other Blizzard forums have account wide systems, but to me that’s comparing apples and oranges, you don’t go joining guilds on Starcraft 2 do you, you just play a random match, same with many other Blizzard titles, they are just completely different kinds of games,

I guess right now where my headspace is at, that if I want to play a SC match or a Diablo game, I’d just do it, I don’t have the urge to talk on any of their forums at all, and if I did, it would be about the lore and that’s it.

The WoW forum is different…it’s a very unique oasis in the ocean I think…

All he does is make himself look foolish, which is quite entertaining. :popcorn: :clown_face:


Oh good lord, well, at least we know your word is no good.

Not related and not possible. You keep harping on this, there is NO personal information given out when you ignore a player. It doesn’t work that way. Your alts are NOT sensitive information.

Don’t be stupid and don’t use your real name then.

Covers those that like to harass, troll, cause trouble, make threats and so on. That isn’t Freedom of Expression, you need to be called out for that. Again, as you seem to be a bit obtuse, You don’t get Freedom of Expression on the WoW Forums, private property.

As you should, but you burned you bridges and you have to deal with it.

Perhaps do as you have claimed to do and mute the thread. But we all know you can’t even follow through with that.


Is this a reply to me?

I’m a bit confused who your talking to.

So true, how dare Blizzard suspend me for being a belligerent drunk.


Hey can you stop trying to derail the thread with your diary posts?

We know you care about people posting off topic things based off a previous post


Lil and Ard won’t stop until they get their way on shutting down the thread, they are doing everything they can.

I would suggest to everyone not to reply to anyone unless it’s topic related.

Just simple as that, they’ll keep poking the bear and try to insight arguments and fights.

And push all the buttons to test patience.


Yet you can’t remember the less than 10 post of the obvious hate against straight people. You choose what you want to acknowledge. If you do not have proof like ya’ll are telling me to show then zip it lol. It’s all he said she saids because the topic is GONE.

You assume way too much btw. Also, didn’t you place me on ignore? Continue doing so, please lol.

P.S… Good try trying to get my post deleted team! Restore once more. Thank you mods for allowing me to continue to speak.

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Just such a shame for them to be such hypocrites

A thing account wide ignore could help with


Sorry, did it come up as a reply to you? If so, that was my bad, I was actually talking to Lilithia


I hadn’t ignored you but I’m happy to do so right now, one less annoyance to put up with.