Can we get account wide ignore?

I think I might have been the one to bring another thread up first, not sure. I’ll try to keep it back on this topic.

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Which has NOTHING to do with account wide ignores.

That is a separate issue, and if it concerns you, make a new thread.


Generally because it’s just some idiot who’s upset that people have a nice thread and then make a nasty thread that’s pretending to be similar but is more about being nasty than anything else.

I mean, I am straight white male, and I can’t think of a good reason to make a straight megathread, much less what you could actually use it for usefully. And when they come up they inevitably turn into hate fests, not lifting up their own group but more about putting down others.


I’d disagree, as the same momentum pushing for account wide ignores would shut down any other thread I could possibly make to explore its legitimacy.

Again, getting threads shut down with flags is what you’re asking for, ignores have nothing to do with that.


You know what’d help with these threads being made?

Account wide ignores


Well, maybe in your head…

Asking for the ability to ignore the player, not just the characters they post on has NOTHING to do with thread closure of troll posts. Sorry, that princess is in another castle.


If this is what Ard is asking for, all his talk about echo chambers and everything fall flat. This just shows that his attitude is one of: “I don’t want people to ignore me but anything I see as trolling I want shut down so I can troll to my heart’s content”.


He’s been going on about how more things need to be punished by mod actions, like a thread closure is. I think he’s one of the one who was all about this idea that people accusing other people of being sockpuppets should be punishable by mod action.


What some don’t realize is if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, 9 times out of 10 it will be a duck.

Maybe what needs to happen is any that propose punishing other players, as opposed to just giving tools to aid players in their forum experience, needs to be marked as trolls and a 100% ban from the forums, maybe then we will be free from Ard and his ilk.

You know the term for someone who openly supports bigots, right?


Doesn’t it also start with B?

Ah, to Maw with it. It’s bigot too, isn’t it?


Too obvious, right?


Well, when it gets proven… I mean, calling a troll that went for a marginalized community “one brave soul”…


Let’s see what the bigot has to say now.



I just don’t go around looking to tar and feather everyone with that kind of brush since that isn’t the content of the discussion I was enjoying.

Though I already know many here are more interested in writing my story for me than to let me do so for myself.

Nah, your own words did it for yourself.


…that others put there? Interesting.

Nope. Your own words lead to the conclusion. Which is that honestly, we deserve the ability to ignore the player, not just the character.


You’ve had that power all along.

You just don’t use it.