Can we get account wide ignore?

After the topic last night my conviction in account wide ignores being a bad idea has never been stronger.

A cool 8k posts and still only 3 people who are angry over account wide ignores

A well known sockpuppeter, an antagonizer, and a manipulator

Wonder why they wouldn’t want people to be able to easily avoid them


Okay, why specifically? This basically just says “They’re bad because bad things happened last night.”


What happened last night? I was busy with an bloated belly stuffed with turkey. Gluttony at it’s finest.


If it’s what I think… it was a couple of things.

One brave soul made a post against the grain around here and got shut down for it.

Oh, so I can counter that narrative immediately. That “brave soul” decided to raid into the LGBTQ+ Megathread around the same time, decrying “colonizers” and setting up bait to report players over perceived racism. This is in contrast to their own attempt to megathread specifically for heterosexual people, which - historically - those tend to deteriorate into hate.

I mean, I remember how it was shortly after Dragonflight’s launch… the forums were essentially a scale model of the Maw for days straight.


It doesn’t matter what they did.

You won’t let em have their voice.

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Oh that thread… It deserved to be 404ed and I’m sure that OP got break too.


Um, yes it does…

Since when do we have the power to delete threads and ban posters? Blizzard does that. Those kind do not deserve a “voice” with the bile he was vomiting, especially on a private forums.


It didn’t have to be flagged but hey what’s done is done.

The fact you are defending someone being discriminatory and hateful is very telling about you honestly because there’s times I will agree that stuff is wrong I even said that last night in that thread but going on about your hate for LGBTQ+ isn’t okay.


So your argument here is that yes it broke the rules but it just shouldn’t have been pointed out?

That’s… a take, I guess.


I think it was the Straight people thread happened for one and a bunch of people got banned, again. Blizzard should honestly shut those things down immediately if they don’t want people having an opinion on such things. Completely ridiculous to ban for peoples thoughts even if it wasn’t harmful at all. A lot of straight people were attacked and nothing happened to the attackers but the ones defending themselves. If you don’t want people to talk about controversial stuff then quit leaving it up forever.

So tired of Blizzard swinging one way all the time.

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You heard it here first folks

Not only does ard support every form of hate speech, slurs, death threats, etc etc etc

He fully endorses it!


So what? We at least know you are a hater.


The difference is how it was even started and what he said in it the first few posts, literally that’s why people flagged it and honestly they weren’t wrong because it wasn’t until almost 11 pm my time where the op actually got to be a bit more chill and was even flirting with someone else.

Add in the comments he made in the LGBTQ+ Megathread just to make them that were both racist and discriminatory and he deserved the silence, hopefully he’ll learn from it not to do that.


Quite literally the 8th post said they hated straight people.

Prove itㅤㅤ


Yeah I didn’t see that either.