Can we get account wide ignore?


How come in other threads bumping is considered trolling but in this thread it’s not?

it’s only wrong if someone else does it, not them lol. thinking its under spam more tho.


The amount of times you kept bumping the thread pales in comparison to the one post they just did

It would be spamming, not trolling. As always, if you feel someone isn’t abiding by the forum code of conduct, feel free to report the offending post(s).

I’m not necro-ing the thread, I’m merely bumping it up as I’m engage on the thread. How is that considered trolling? Let’s face it you’re just annoyed because you’re trying to close the thread since it’s been out and failing so badly at it :wink:


Most threads aren’t asking for a revision/change to be made right now.

Bumping a thread to give it traction when it’s just… “waaaah the writers suck” is still pretty scummy.

Mods likely know by now that closing it will just start another hellfire discussion to startup again.

Unless they hand out harsh suspensions.

Didn’t you say this when I was more active before, too? I don’t recall anyone getting suspended for that.

What was considered in line or crossing over the CoC was somewhat of a blur during the inception of most Btags discussions.

Has it occurred to you that Blizzard is ambivalent, or indifferent?

Or can they only be supporting one side or the other, in your mind?

How else would I still have my forum posting privileges?

So why would they suspend people?

As I mentioned some of the Btag threads where spam, this is more or less the same conversation from those topics carried on under a different guise.

The only spam was when one sockpuppeteer (self-admitted) decided to make two new threads on the same topic with the opposite opinion on the OP.

At least as of my run on here.

Yet the other threads got closed as well.

One side isn’t blameless on that occurrence.

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The two main threads lasted into thousands of posts.

So they did.

Can we get back to merits of the idea, or are we going to stay stuck on debating behavior?


After seeing some posts today that exposed some who are bigots I added a few more to my ignore list. I would so much appreciate if one ignore would include all their alts.
Please Blizz and ty.