Can we get account wide ignore?

I mean, it’s a theoretical possibility. But I’ve never seen it ever work where people call out to ignore the troll in a thread and then no one responds to that person, no matter how obvious it is. It’d be a near miracle for anyone to get locked out of the forums effectively by ignores and not be doing something that’d get you silenced first.


No, those who chose not to listen are deafened by choice to them. As is their right.

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Which is Ard’s bread and butter argument style, even if the chances of it being that way are so astronomical that is is practically a 0 chance anyway.


Everyone ignoring one person? That doesn’t even seem remotely possible.
I think a person would have to be extremely rude and vile to get everyone to ignore them at the same time.


Mm, Ard, I am just talking to you now, nobody else, as I am the only one here that gets it.

I just think one of the biggest problems in this world that causes wars and whatnot, is people’s failure to listen to others, and understand where they are coming from, in balance some people can say appeasement can cause wars too, but I always think a willingness to listen to others, even those you disagree with strongly, is the best way to peace,

I honestly think when any individual person gets singled out and socially ostracized from a larger number of people, it’s not a good thing, so that’s why I only block/ignore under extreme circumstances online, as I think there’s a huge difference between blocking people simply because you don’t like their opinions, or blocking them because they actually took things too far,

The only person that I blocked this year was an old ‘friend’ that made it very clear in no uncertain terms that unless they could make money out of me they didn’t want to talk to me, and this was very hurtful and disappointing, and I couldn’t believe it, in my real life been making a few new friends that I know won’t take advantage of me,

It’s disappointing how many people online (and even offline) are so quick to jump to conclusions about others and decide because of something they said, they don’t like someone and that’s it, reality is we haven’t walked in another person’s shoes, we don’t know another person’s story, and why they think/feel the way they do, people are often a product of their past and what the world made them,

As far as wow is concerned, I learned long ago that in this game people are going to compete to get ahead in the game, and I regret to say…part of what humans do when competing with each other is unfairly try to trash their reputation, to pick on anything they did even if i was 5 or 10 years ago to try and use against them.

This is why privacy online is so important to me.

If I haven’t blocked him by now, I’m unlikely to in the future.

I allow you to have your opinion, but ard, I just fail to see your point of account wide ignores when literally every online forum on the internet has this feature in place and is fine.

Like I have said, I don’t care if someone disagrees with me and I dont care if someone calls my take bad, infact I would like to hear out why my take is bad, I just don’t care enough to ignore you if you happen to disagree and my grudges don’t run this deep.

Also, I don’t consider someone saying that I should go unsubscribe from life as an “opinion”, regardless of how you think, telling someone to off themself is not an opinion, insulting and harassing someone is not an opinion.

Remember I brought this up:

Enforcing the CoC harder is not going to solve it.

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WoW, some things never change. :popcorn: :crazy_face:

This is Ard we are talking about, only reason I can see where he is coming from is because I know his style to go to the impractical/unrealistic extreme and base all his arguments around that.

In the case with him, maybe it should be:
what does the fox say? who knows, it is such a high pitched whine no one aside from other foxes or canines can hear it.


No because freedom of speech only guarantees that governments who have such protection laws can not silence their people.

Private companies (that includes publically traded ones too) as well as individuals are not beholding to recognize anoer persons right to free speech even though it is done to an extent out of courtesy .

No one in here should expect that what they say should be heard by all others in the forum .

The right to say anything we want ends where those that choose to listen do and those that don’t ignore us.

To force those that do not want to to have to is a violation of their rights.


I had you on ignore for the better part of two weeks, and not once were you silent, to my everlasting disappointment. But that’s how ignores work: they don’t silence the ignored, and your continued and inexplicably obstinate denial of reality doesn’t alter that basic fact.

Again, because you’ve repeatedly proven that you are, at best, a slow learner… If someone ignores you, it does NOT silence you or otherwise hinder your continued ability to post in any manner, nor does it impact anybody else’s ability to see your posts. It simply prevents the one ignoring you from seeing your posts.


I would give a wooden nickle for him to shut up. Some people just wear out their welcome, and need to be shown the door. That is what the report tool is for.
I’m certain he’ll belly ache and whine about that


For me, I usually keep my ignore for anyone who has been shown to be bigoted, homophobic, racist, etc. I find the fox’s posts amusing and curious. I’ve been trying to determine what term is used for their type of postings on this topic. I googled ‘weasel’, ‘dishonest’ and ‘strawman’ which kind of identify some of them.
In the end there’s usually someone here who agrees even with some whose postings are highly offensive. And then there are some who aren’t interested in ignoring anyone.


Why am I being linked in this? O.o

Because that player linked your post to prove a point. As you can tell, he’s gone.

I don’t understand what his point was though. What a strange character.

That person deleted their throw away account.

and 10 times over… I don’t what his point was either, aside to troll, he’s been on ignore for a while with me.

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Fair enough! Well, have a good day.


You too, happy hunting!