Can we get account wide ignore?

yah right, You haven’t denied it either. That speaks more than you know.


Thanks little gnome for keeping this thread going and keeping it on the first page

I wouldn’t want to upset you.

And yet you love asking them


He’s quite good at dodging questions, and admitting the truth, even when it painfully obvious.


This isn’t really going anywhere is it?

nothing involving you ever goes anywhere


I didn’t make you reply.

No you did not.

Still doesn’t take anything away from the fact that you aren’t here to converse, you’re just here to throw a monkey wrench into discussions by tossing out unrelated responses and acting like you’ve won an argument that way.


I’m not here to point fingers.

Just posting a reply to Lilithia.

account wide ignore soon :smiley_cat:



I don’t see what that has to do with anything.

It’s a pun.

And a quite well executed one at that.


Could mean anything, without context.

Could mean anything, without context.

He quoted your post. There’s the context.

And what it says is believable, and embarrassing, while being subtle enough so as not to call you out directly (except by the fact that he quoted you before posting the image, making it unmistakably clear what it was in reference to).

Nobody’s perfect. But acknowledging one’s own failures helps you grow, to become a better person - to be more honest, humble, and likeable. While the people on this forum aren’t really being your friends - they are doing what an honest good friend would do - it is you who has closed your ears and refused to listen. A good friend doesn’t agree with you unconditionally, tell you everything is good, and blow smoke up your butt all day long. A good friend is willing to tell you that ya done boinked up and it’s time to face the music. People are doing that for you here. It’s a shame you don’t have an actual friend who’s willing to do the same - but if you did, and if they were an honest friend - they’d be doing the same thing.

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He’s baiting… hoping to trip you guys up and report to get the thread shut down.


Do you speak for the Tauren?

I don’t need to. He was quite clear on his own.


I disagree.