Can we get account wide ignore?

Any questions?


Your conduct on the forum also represents you as a player. If you tarnish your own reputation by - let’s leave an example here without saying you engage in it - going after people who simply disagree with you, or getting around blocks via new characters. There’s good reason for people to consider social safety and warn others of that behavior, and social consequences in that manner are valid.


There is no argument to be won for any forum changes to occur.

If people want to disagree with said suggestions for changes, then they can and no amount of flippancy for simply being against it will change anything.


Ever the optimist.

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Then what’s the issue?

Facing consequences for being a jerk isn’t harassment or bullying.


Yeah there’s been quite a few instances were people were absolutely horrible on the forums and then applied to our guild. I’d supply a screenshot of the behavior to the Officers and we’re all very much “lol nope”

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They don’t show it next to the name but if you mouse over it like in here where it shows characte-server in the bottom left corner of the screen . In there it will show the btag name and number same with all the other blizzard forums .

Can’t get any personal information with it .

Here’s mine Weidmann #11645 if you honestly believe you can gather any real life info from that please feel free to text my phone if you do since it is tied to my account.

If anyone can text my phone just by having my battle tag , I will hop on the anti btag bus not only that but I wil drive it.

However I still support some form of account wide ignore.


I was going to say wasn’t her saying she’s going to be gone a week or 2 the lie


I would like to see some supporting evidence for that position that isn’t just random people’s speculation or opinion based on one of many possible ways this could be implemented.



are you talking to me on this part, because i never once said i didn’t want btags bc of personal info leak with phones and so on.

Hi I got flagged for something, I’m tempted to say I’m sorry if I offended someone, but that’s getting a bit too cliche,

Anyway want you to all know I actually no longer care too much either way as I’m actually excited about the next expansion with the Nerubians and all :woman_shrugging:

You don’t have to be apologetic to anyone.

They don’t run the forums, Blizzard does.

At least she tries. That speaks volumes about her character. And your’s too.

So people who don’t run the forums aren’t worth the effort of basic decency?


I don’t answer loaded questions.

You don’t answer any questions… just trolling trying to get the thread closed because you disagree with the topic.


Yet I can still post on these forums. :person_shrugging:

So what if you can? Just stating the obvious, and you just admitted that you are here to troll.


I haven’t admitted anything.