Can we get account wide ignore?

Um… Wut?

You can’t account for everyone’s actions.

That I won’t bother doesn’t mean others won’t.

Right, so, anways.

Blizz needs to introduce Btags on the WoW forums since the negatives for it are nonexistent and would severely cut down on the crud filling most of the place.


It does seem so telling when so many of the explanations of why this would be bad don’t actually involve anything about what is being asked for, just random stories about unrelated bad things happening somewhere.


yes we should be able to warband level ignore a person in warthin

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Norinila here on my world soul saga character!

everything is going account wide these days so might as well be the forums as well! Btags ignores and more!

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but right now the largest argument against this is the… possibility of in-game social consequences for behavior in the game?


What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

I’m still waiting for the harassment after posting my Battle Tag? List my alts if you want, unlike you I don’t have anything to hide.

I tremble with anticipation… :roll_eyes:


That is my position, yes.

Though more in-game consequences for behavior on the forum.

I am a little sick of people, and even politicians demonizing social media as a place for cowards because people are anonymous, in reality if you say racist/hurtful things you should suffer penalty, but reality is being anonymous means you have more freedom of speech.

i think you should get an account wide ignore when you keep asking for an account wide ignored

i looked @ overwatch forums and they use btags w/o the numbers on it. i remember ppl saying they wanted the numbers on it which is why i say no to btags. i dont want ppl addin me, period. but if (which i said at the very first btag thread) if they did w/o the numbers then ill be fine w/ it. still for acc wide ignores i guess for your peoples sake tho.

Ah, so you’re referring to their trimming of the discriminator tag (the part that makes a BattleTag alphanumerically unique even when actual names are shared). This makes sense, actually.

was the numbers originally there? i havent been on their forums in years so idk if they had it before or not.

Not sure, I only use these forums.

haha I know this might sound silly, but that fox reminds me of Ard…making me think he took a name similar to mine…would be funny if that was true.

Please don’t

We got enough liars as is


And it isn’t. If you check forum posts, I’ve (Dylania) claimed this character in another thread.

who knows maybe Lilithia will grow a brain by then…

Nah nevermind what I said.

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Well, they are not lying. People like to run their mouths without accepting responsibility.

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There is that, but there is also the fact that one’s true self comes out if they think they can get away with things. The true version of a person is the kind that they show when not bound by social norms or rules.