Can we get account wide ignore?

Then answer the question or ignore me. Either way, you’ll be rid of me. But you won’t because this is exactly the reaction you habitually try to bait people into.


You’ll have a better chance at getting an answer from a toddler than you would from Ard.

He just wants to make anything up, and no answer what he is actually asked.


just going to leave this here


Waht I don’t get is why would Blizz say anything about it until it was ready seeing how they wouldn’t be doing the actual programing to make the changes.

I mean the fox knows that Discourse makes the forums for Blizzard . I’m starting to wonder if ole Ratchet’s brain over there has gone klank

Funny thing is, at this stage, I am no longer worried about the forum, as I said that we wouldn’t have to worry about forum if Blizzard just made an expansion that was actually awesome.

Nerubian spider kingdom beneath the ground…yes.

A person would be better off talking to themself or a wall instead of Ard if they want an intelligent conversation .


I wonder… If Lilithia and Ard were to have a battle of wits, who would win?

The spectators, because the '08 Lions vs the '17 Browns would be a hilarious game.


I think you’re both giving them each too much credit

How would there be a battle of wits?

Combined they would only make up a half wit


My bet would be placed on Ard, he doesn’t type walls of text.

Hoping for account wide ignore in a year or two now that the merge is complete.


Account wide ignore would be great, the concern would be that in your ignored list you would see the persons bnet which can be a privacy issue, the work around would be to do owner of but if the person deletes the character then and someone else chooses a character with the same name that would be a problem too.

But hey is why we are paying blizz, to figure stuff out lol

I’m pretty sure that Ard doesn’t believe most of what they say. They have reasons, deep-seated ones, for opposing…roughly everything, if you look at their posting history. You can tell that they’re not serious about this issue in particular because their reasoning keeps changing to whatever they think will stick on a given day, even if it directly conflicts with things that they’ve said before.

My current working theory is that Ard just gets off on arguing, and is willing to go to any lengths to do so. Since we lack Monty Python-esque Argument Clinics in real life they come here and dive in to topics they know that people will entertain the notion of going around in circles with them infinitely on.

This is one of those topics, and it’s what earned Ard the distinction of being the lone person on my permanent ignore list here because their objection boils down to “I don’t want people to be able to avoid me automatically if I get to a point where I’ve burnt out the remaining patience that people have for me and switch up to a new alt to start the process over again, like I did when I switched off of Bloodypaws”. Because they’ll keep going until the supplier of their argumentative attention gives up in utter exhaustion, they gradually build up larger numbers of people who are just completely done with them. They’ll keep interjecting and baiting with low-quality goalpost shifting until the topic dies. If it does, they’ll move on to who even knows what else - slow flying? Anduin emotions? Early access for epic edition buyers? Who can say, but whichever topic can provide the most targets for them to lob constant pebbles of bad faith arguments at is where they’ll go, as long as people keep building Fields of Bickering Dreams for them to hang out in.

Which isn’t to say that I think that this topic should die just to kill off the cornfield that Ard is infesting like a parasite, growing bloated and sluggish off the continuous feeding of attention, but if less people entertained their shenanigans even just to point out that their arguments are pure straight nonsense they might find more attractive fields and fatter prey to latch on to.


Does ignore system do that now? No. Even if it does expose your battle tag, you cannot glean personal information from it. Battle Tags are DESIGNed for public use. The only way it would expose something private is if you was an idiot and used your real name from it, and there are tools to remedy that.


The internet never forgets …

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Is that the fault of Blizzard? Day one, I was told NEVER use your real name on forums or BBS.


Considering the lack of common sense in this day and age, I would think the ones that do this could be a high %.

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BattleTags have nothing to with privacy.
Your characters have nothing to do with privacy.
An account wide ignore on the forums, has nothing to do with privacy.

Blizzard listed everything in regards to privacy here, which does not includes anything above or this thread.


I believe it’s once a year or every 6 months where they have us agree to these terms, we can’t play the games or be in the forums if we disagree. Just a company policy thing.

How many people just scroll down and not read it to click on “agree”.

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Hi, I know some of you probably don’t want me speaking, but actually given this topic is slowing down think of me as doing you a favor by keeping your topic alive,

Anyway, I just wanted to say I am very concerned at anything that could reduce people’s privacy, see on youtube when this lady Ssniperwolf or whatever doxxed some dude she was arguing with, she barely got any penalty as youtube was making too much money from her videos,

The fact is, this could lead to doxxing and harassment as I pick my forum alts for a reason, maximum privacy,

Anyway that’s my closing argument I also believe my view is 100% correct so :woman_shrugging:

Anyway even if you believe my argument is invalid, you can thank me later for keeping your topic alive, oh and one last thing…

In a closing argument, Nerubians rock, so forums won’t be needed for anything next expansion, so it’s no longer worth complaining about and I no longer care one way or the other what happens in the forum as I will be too busy playing the game to worry about my forum reputation anyway,

Ok peace.