What does hate have anything to do with ignores?
People have every right to ignore anyone, for any to no reason. There is no rules around using the ignore function.
What does hate have anything to do with ignores?
People have every right to ignore anyone, for any to no reason. There is no rules around using the ignore function.
One does not have to hate a person to ignore them , they can dislike that persons actions but not bear any ill will towards them .
I as well as most others most likely ignore to preserve their own peace.
Sorry but if you ignore me, then you are a confirmed racist against Gnomes.
Fun fact. There was an add-on that effectively did this. It was called Noobblocker. I’ll give you one guess as to what happened to it.
Um it got banned?
But how?
I’m not sure what method they used exactly but they blocked the add-ons ability to read what it needed to in order to function. Same way they blocked realm hopper add-ons and group finder reader add-ons.
what drama? there really isn’t any… but in here where everyone plays guess who and flag everyone all day, one dude legit said he alt hops to flag lol he’s policing. no one acts this way outside this thread guy…
instead of just not replying they is flags lol and then claim no words hurt them and still report. this thread is perfect if you feel like getting banned, though.
But there is a reason why the addon was broken from Blizzard.
Well yes. The reason was Noobblocker basically allowed people to block off entire servers (which is what the person I was responding to wants to do). The main source of the issue was the SA and OCE servers since by default the add-on blocked all those servers.
Although if the add-on still worked, I would probably have added a half a dozen certain NA servers to that list. I’ve had more issues with NA players than SA or OCE ones TBH.
Sorry, it’s just odd that a new freshly made character shows up in the topic out of the blue and starts parroting/copy paste agreeing with you.
I see the dragon was an anon account, he’s in place of the dragon and the LF draenei I put on ignore.
Although I find it odd that this person account ID is visible and not anyone else’s. I wonder if it’s a special administrative account only they can use.
Does it say Anon123456? If so, it means the account has been wiped and deleted.
Yes, on both characters. But anon123456 I don’t see that on others canceled or deleted accounts, so I always suspected it’s some sort of forum administrator or Blizz employee.
All companies have that one rotten egg so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case but doing it on a work account and not a personal account looks bad on a company.
There was a third anon that I neglected to put on ignore.
They are staying on my ignore for future reference.
Yeah, we need a one identity, tired of playing whack an alt to put on ignore.
If it was, then the account would be highlighted in blue, similar to whether it was a CM or Developer. How ever, it isn’t, which means the account had been closed/deleted. Whether the person has done it themselves or Blizzard has closed the account, that we can’t confirm, nor will ever find out either.
From in here???
Yes, but I don’t know if mods have a special administrative account.
But as you can see what Ayukama said,
I’d rather keep ignoring accounts instead of a million create/deletes characters on one account.
If someone wants to pay thousands of dollars to troll the money will help benefit the game.
Hear that Bobby?
That means more yachts for you, account wide ignore on the forums will benefit you too.
Yeah, I rather ignore the entire account rather than just a single toon.
If I’m right he’s only here until the end of the year since the Microsoft deal finaly went through.
More money for Microsoft then.
I think Bobby should go into the dentistry business they get tons of yachts, because of the candy and soda industry.
So uh… still, completely supportive of the idea of making things forum-account-level.