Can we get account wide ignore?

It is a little disappointing that we’ve got to the point where people in this community hate each other so much they want to ignore each other and block each other out, rather than working together despite their differences.

It will be interesting to see what Blizzard decides if anything.

another alt?

I hate no one.

people who play the forums don’t want to work out their differences.

its a form of war mode some of us would like to opt out of.


We should get back to discussing the benefits and pitfalls. Far too often has this looped back into just… bashing and hating on each other. I tried to engage in good faith and was just told I was baiting…

Ok benefit would be people being able to no longer having to deal with those they no longer have to deal with .

Pitfall would be toxic trolls that bypass ignores to continue harassing those that choose to ignore them will no longer be able to if it happens . So in hind sight actually a benefit for those that want account wide ignores


Benefit: If I want to ignore a person, I get to actually do that with one action.

Benefit: It might make some forms of trolling more difficult and thus reduce it to some extent.

Pitfalls: Can’t really think of any significant ones.


Can we also get a server wide ignore, there seem to be certain servers that breed trolls that I would like to ignore so I never get grouped with them.

Benefit i won’t have to deal with that one troll that creates the same character and sometimes alts over and over to bypass ignores to continue there harassment as explained here before the person ernd themselves this ignore and i do not wish to give them a path to disrespect again they are done and do not have the right to continue

Pitfalls the trolls won’t be in heaven as some say around here anymore


Just have to chime in here to note that I love the name.

I mean the benefits are obvious and for Pitfalls, well it was a pain to line up on top of the heads of the crocodiles


dw blizz wont do anything. the mods just laugh at most ppl in the topic anyway lol.
prolly figure grown adults cant just ignore people and HAVE to reply to a supposed troll.

still, acc wide ignores for those who cant just…not reply to a person should still be a thing if they dont want to add other options but i still hardly see them putting much effort in these forums anyway sooo… good luck lol.

Whatever you say Ard. Just keep rolling out the alts. lol


Not an alt of mine.

You mean like you replying to tell me you won’t read my post, then responding directly and specifically to what you read in the post (the one you aren’tgoing to read)?


Question how do they get a level 10 from classic to retail wow forums?

Lol, literally everyone in any online forum is looking for a fight.

Or, at least looking to win some brownie points by having people agree with them.

If they do add acct-wide ignore, these forums will become super quiet lmao.

Everyone who’s terminally online will end up blocking each other.

All the Classic enjoyers and Retail enjoyers will have each other blocked as well.

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you just level in classic to 10 and i will show up on character list

Not really. Maybe slightly quieter. If anything, the forum drama would slow down.

Done with the experiment of how many characters can be on ignore and I went as far as 123 it could be infinite like mutes, but still I shouldn’t have to put someone on ignore a million times over with their create/delete character bypassing ignores.

I hope those timers expiration works or I will have to go back and remove everyone (except my perma ignores which is a few and not hard to remember who is on there) and my alts.

Account wide ignore please, it’s too much work to shake someone off who keeps getting around ignores with infinite characters on one account.

Might Guy approves.


ok,you wanted ignore. :grin:

The only ones it will get quiet for are those that can’t get a clue

More like everyone that can’t respect boundaries

Why? most of us that want account wide ignores likely don’t have many unique players on ignore, just toons of those we don’t want to deal with.

What is it with the anti-RESPONSIBILTY group and their outrageous claims? Maybe if you took responsibility for your actions and learned from them, we would not be asking for account wide ignores. But since you don’t and we are, we likely just want th etools that enable us to make the responsible choice for ourselves and you are trying to paint us as the bad guys for wanting such.


Stumbled across this mere moments ago, and it seemed relevant. Who says serendipity is dead?