Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores, likes, flags, trust levels and total post count.
Yis! I agree
Yis is the best affirmative… or is it yus?
There is no way it can be akin to a ban .
A ban would be Blizzard silencing a person .
Account wide ignore would be an idividual silencing a person so they don’t have to see what the other person has to say .
As long as Blizzard’s CoCs for the forum are followed there is no ban .
A person ignoring an account is just that person ignoring that account.
Most of important thing of all is
A person’s right to free speech is not a right to be heard by everyone just those that choose to listen to them
I guess it’s subjective lol
Because they and people like them think people should be forced to hear what they say .
People like that must be ignorant and not understand that any free speech protection is only protection from the government and that coompanies and indiviuals are not legally upholding to recognize another person’s right to free speech .
It is just done out of common courtesy and not out of obligation .
Another way of putting it, for the more hard headed ones:
Account wide ignoer:
- I don’t see your posts
- I don’t see your topics
- I just can’t interact with you unless, barring a full black out, I choose to do so
- getting around just ticks people off
- you can still read
- you can’t post
- you can’t create new topics
- getting around makes it even worse
Also, keep in mind, the more some spout nonsense about account wide ignores being more a ban, the more some of us might be tempted to propose a nuclear option. In this case, such might be a lifetime ban for those that abuse the system. I for one don’t want that, I just want the ability to ignore people that have proven unable to engage with me with HONEST respect.
least u get treated nicely here might be bc ur a max lvl retail character lol. i just find it funny ppl were being so terrible to me but my very 1st like on the topic was 15 posts in for wanting acc wide ignores. least i agree lol. ppl just have some bad beef w/ a few over btags…
In your case Moondoggie, some of it might be being a level 55 DK, ans possibly a classic toon. A few things tend to set off the alarm of “sock puppet” and more, these are:
- toons that are at the level they start at or maybe just cleared their starting area
- classic toons
I’d still like to discuss what they believe makes it akin to a ban. Maybe it’s a miscommunication or misunderstanding on their part, and I’d like to address it if so.
Nailed it.
I can’t even post about being bored or talking about painting models without being flag bombed.
i have mentioned this a lot of times but yes i undestand many 55 dk and 10 retails could be trolls but some of us arent. i dont even have a main on this game so idk what you’d really want me to post on and even then its just a picture.
thats like going on reddit and judgin me off my white alien dude. judge the context.
Exactly .
I don’t want to prevent people from speaking , I just want those I choose to not interact with to not speak with me.
I don’t care if a person has a differing opinion and can show the merits to their point of view in a civil way and can be civil when I show the merits of my point of view. I will not ignore a person like that .
However a person that wants to toss around word salad and constanty repeat the same thing over and over without backing it up especially after what they have said has been disproven is not a person I want to deal with nor are people that change toons to bypass ignores . Most of all people that change toons because they are saying they want a fresh start (Translation: They want a fresh start on a different toon to continue harassing people ).
If they need so many “fresh starts”, why don’t they realize they might be the reason and freaking change their ways? I am all for fresh starts, but to me that means some changes were made.
Cause you’re only interested in making the “issue” go away, not actually mending it in a healthy way.
Account wide ignores will only make the community smaller, not better.
see, the way it works is I just put you on ignore because I don’t believe you are sincere in your opinions rather you take any PoV you think will irritate others.
you can now post on an alt and still be annoying, while an account wide ignore means I never see you again, pretty straight forward, isn’t it…
To me a fresh start would be staying on the offending toon and actually showing people that you are truly trying to change.
Switching toons because a person offended someone on the previous toon doesn’t show me a person trying for a fresh start but a person trying to avoid the consequences of their actions.
But that means you only see what’s posted to you which is ok but if you are the troll also then he can too.but the thread still goes one side /to the other side Regardless.
I suggest a better easier way to place an ignore button and longer list since now at 8 accounts and 50 per it is alot. and maybe a timer per switch.
Yes ,they do and so is the other person as well, and YELLING doesn’t help either.
is this an alt of the player i put on ignore?
see, that’s the problem…
I want to ignore a player, their alts and any post made.
I use Global Ignore ingame and it works just great.