You’re expecting me to know your exact counterpoint as to how an account-wide ignore is similar to banning someone. I cannot presume to know your mind, and your responses are assuming I know already - which is impossible.
To get us out of this negative feedback loop, please clarify what you had meant.
You have a very confusing posting style.
Well,seem clear to me that that is the case.
Like English must not be his primary language cuz so much of what he types doesn’t make sense
I do because that is the only way to communicate by description than directly I let them think about it ,A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I would like to hear your specific reasoning as to how an account-wide ignore, compared to the current system, is akin to a ban.
No you don’t and the bait is getting old and fish are too cold to eat.
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I don’t know how to be clearer about this: I only want to know what you meant by it, and your reasoning, so that it can be discussed. I do not believe it akin to a ban myself, yet you do, so there is a disconnect somewhere that I want to rectify.
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It is next to impossible to have an honest good faith discussion about the merits of an idea, when the side presenting the idea refuses to clarify what the idea actually is.
You are being given ample opportunity to explain what your position is, and how you got there. Continuing to refuse to do so with deflections, and non-answers that say nothing makes you look like either a troll, or a politician.
I’m thinking it’s honestly not worth trying. Every time either I or anyone else has tried (literally anywhere, not just this thread) to have a conversation that’s actually coherent, it somehow devolves into them being angry and nobody knows why. Case in point.
I’d still rather attempt before backing off.
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Answer the question. How is an account wide ignore like a ban?
And he whines that people was harsh to him.
That would be nice. I feel like most people’s ignore list would at least halve.
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I’ve noticed most of them do that since they don’t like being called out when they do wrong, they get false claims debunked, they are spreading misinformation, they annoy people so they aren’t nice to them, hell even just pinging them because they posted in the thread has made some of them super salty at other people.
I could go on but yeah that more than makes my point.
Trolls and their victim complex
What? People have been coming in, and attacking others, and yet, you’re saying this thread is to attack people?
Do you even think before posting?
There’s only one time I’m less inclined to hear merits, and that’s when we end up dealing with someone who wants to harass minorities or talk down about them. In a thread like this, I’m much more willing to discuss back-and-forth, but you can’t have that without that interaction being returned in good faith.
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we just want a one button ignore for trolls …and their accounts…
And apparently we are all wrong for wanting such a basic feature.
Nah, we’re not in the wrong. I want the ability to ignore the person, not just 1 of there characters for them to switch to bypass the ignore.