I mean, I think it is… But the trolling is too at large with some people…
one of the reasons why i stay on this character is respect for others that is a value of mine of folks want to ignore that’s fine and understandable i guess i’m just too old school like that
Same here but I did do a name change before this thread happened due to server change .
well,I wouldn’t know because I can’t see your massage anyway but yet those not ignore can and do,nothing wrong with two party system on one thread of a subject those that wish to comment can on either. Confusing no not at all.
No different than what people have done so far in the wow forums ,as you know.
I stay on fuzz purely cause i can post gifs
No, this is different. In the case of these forums, an ignore does not completely remove visibility of posts. It merely hides them and requires you to un-hide them in order to view them.
You cannot harass someone invisibly here, but instituting two-way, permanent blocking would allow it.
To do that, someone would have to unignore every other character except yours. Then they’d have to sift through tens of thousands of threads, and millions of posts, looking for hidden posts, opening them to see if it was a character other than the one they had ignored.
How long do you suppose that would take? How long do you suppose your hypothetical stalker is going to waste, with no guarantee of success, to find your alts?
Only if their alts are in that topic. Tell me how long it takes to find the alts that aren’t in that specific topic. How long do you think it would take to find someone’s alt(s) in some other random topic?
Overhaul. To rehaul is to haul again; to overhaul is to modernize, repair or renovate.
The ‘chain’ button allows you to create a link to that post.
The ‘ribbon’ is a bookmark. It allows you to bookmark the post to make it easy to find later.
All Blizzard forums are running on the same Discourse software. The WoW forums specifically were altered to allow players to post on specific characters rather than their Battletags as on the other forums. It would be a matter of undoing those alterations, not completely re-writing the software from scratch. It wouldn’t be nearly as difficult as the Chicken Littles out there would have you believe.
If you really weren’t that bad, would you have gotten that weeklong forum vacay?
Be more precise with your language, Ard. You’re not still posting, you’re posting again.
Edit - just got home, have several hours’ worth of posts to read and (possibly) respond to. Will just tack everything to this one, if necessary.
Tell me you didn’t use an alt to like your own post. Convince me the Classic alt with a name uncannily similar to yours (including the same ASCII character) isn’t your sockpuppet.
You are aware that its against the CoC to discuss those things, regardless of its details right?
I mean, it kinda is, but not really. Not in the way you think, anyway.
And I’m probably the last person you need to quote the rules to.
Then you’ll understand why I won’t be speaking any further on the subject.
You’ve said more than enough already.
As have you.
Not sure that’s your call, friend.
Its your choice to hold a grudge.
You’ve only posted 553 times here. Wouldn’t want to strain yourself too much.
I’d post on my alts but some here would take it the wrong way.
Why have a system in place where you can change alts at all, if people are going to construe it as ‘harassment’ and whatnot is beyond me