ive edited to say the ignore button should be with the flag button. sry.
just…remove like that chain or the other ribbon but idek wtf theyre for lol.
but ya ur idea works too. its easier on the side tho.
As far as I’ve been told, they kinda already have these things in place (or similar things) on their other forums
Just the WoW forums is treated differently for unknown reasons
Once again outside of certain reasons I will list below what reasons does a person hve for switching toons in a thread that someone has ignore their account in besides 1: Hoping the peron checks view hidden so they can reinitiate contact with the person that isnored them and 2: Go “See I told you they would hunt alts down”
Just stay on the same toon that was ignored .
Now here are the justifiable reasons for changing toons
1: You only post on your main toon and have changed mains
2: You have done a server change and had to do a forced name change
3: You are in a class forum and have changed to the class for that forum
4: You are in a show us your (what ever race) thread and change to that race
5: You are in a show off your mog thread and you have a bunch of toons with cool mogs and want to show them off.
Outside of those reasons there is no reason for changing toons other then for nefarious reasons.
So you admit that you started the name-calling.
You’ve completely mangled the idiom and got the phrase backwards. It’s ‘you can dish it out, but you can’t take it.’
You’re literally the only one here stamping their feet. You’re throwing a tantrum because you think some else is throwing a tantrum.
This seems really hypocritical coming g from you.
Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores. Want to ignore the person, not just the character than having to ignore another character when the person switches to continue with the trolling.
The best part is that the team they’re up against is playing baseball.
- Or you do a name change or server change and don’t create a new low level toon with the same name and server to continue for a posting toon.
did you see the post about how the forums are from the blue? it was posted a lot but i think he said he just can’t do much given the coding. im thinking all other forums are running on the new ones they don’t care abt us lol
Ok that doesn’t mean there won’t be any changes and since the forums are designed by a company outside of Blizzards ownership wouldn’t it be the other company making the changes and not Blizzard
All the others are rumming on the standard Discourse system
WoW is running on a modified version of the system the other Blizzard forums are on .
We’re just asking that WoW forums be put on the standard system the other ones are on.
I’ve never done that in the game itself, only on the forum.
Well on the forum that’s different, as forums aren’t personal, if I don’t like the way the community has responded to me, I have the right to start over.
Well that is the situation, yes. As I’d sooner have as much freedom as speech as reasonably allowed, without it affecting my reputation elsewhere.
The fact that you believe it’s a fictional guild I’m making up is a very good sign as it means what I am doing is working.
Then ignore him. It’s not hard.
To be honest, I’m on the brink of ignoring some people as I realize we been going around in circles but I feel I’ve already made my arguments.
What I am concerned about is more systems online tiptoeing into Orwellian territory where dissenting opinions aren’t tolerated at all, privacy means people have more freedom of speech than they would otherwise, it’s really that simple.
I’ll return later, I’ve got nothing else to add at this time I think I’ve said everything.
why in the world do you believe this
More accurately, you can post again. Didn’t learn the lesson, did you, Ard?
See my reply farther above. You do not have this right, as if you proceed to re-engage with people who may have blocked you, you’re rendering their decision to ignore you moot - and causing them to have to do so again. And repeated, if need be…
Wait, what was he talking about? He get a forum timeout or something?
On the forum, that is out right harassment. If someone places you on ignore, and you switch alts to continue replying to the person who has, and continues putting you on ignore, than the moderation will take action against you. Let me repeat:
You do not have the right to switch alts to harass people within the World of Warcraft community if people chose to place you on ignore!
Also Lilithia, thank you for proving the point we’ve been saying. It was never about privacy. It is about you continuing to be toxic.
If you want a fresh start, change your behaviour. Don’t try and pretend to be Ronald McDonald or The joker. Be yourself, and change your behaviour.
Why not just be able to ignore the accounts of the people whose reponses you don’t like and never have to worry about them again.
There is no reason one should feel the need to start over unless they were the ones in the wrong and even then they should try their best to redeem themselves on the offending toon .
You changing toons has never been about starting over but about you doing everything to avoid any cosequences for your actions.
comes in almost 2k posts later
Hi all hope all is well.
I want to say it’s Ard’s story to tell, but he won’t.
Someone asked him about it, and I got curious. When I looked at his post history, I found a seven-day gap. It was a couple weeks ago.
He confirmed it, but hasn’t said anything else.