Please, name me every single alt of mine? If you can’t name any of my alts, than you’ve just proven yourself wrong.
Please, name me every single alt of mine? If you can’t name any of my alts, than you’ve just proven yourself wrong.
What does that have to do what I said?
bc for example if i posted just now, and you posted, say the orc ignored us then suddenly he finds out we’re the same person and for the record, I AM NOT MAL lol, then it’ll just cause a mess on the forums. just needs to be a whole fresh forum unless u want ur alts out there, idc lol.
Alright so the logic is:
Someone will have only you on the forums and then will go through the entire forums (every single thread and section) in hopes of finding one of your alts?
Yea that’s kind of fantasy world logic
first of all why on earth would i ever add u lol? secondly, pls read i am talking abt the ignore function as i am getting back on track of topic.
If I was really that bad…would I still be able to post on here?
In otherwords, you’ve just proven yourself wrong. You can’t find people’s alts via BattleTags, friend or not.
You said people hated you since the beginning of this topic. I’m only telling you that people said you have a bad history.
You have intentionally bypassed blocks in the past to continue engagement with people that have told you they didn’t want to speak to you again. Stop it.
No… it’s not.
Ard has as long and as storied a history as yourself on the forums. There’s reasons why neither are liked.
Except you have popped onto alts to continue to force engagement with people who have told you point blank they want nothing more to do with you. Stop pretending to play the victim.
You have openly said your fictional guild you raid with does not allow trolling from it’s members ingame and on the forums. So you hide under a alt to violate their rules without getting caught.
please focus
i dont think we’re understanding each other im not sure if im explaining it right sorry
No, you need to prove your arguments before making things up.
I’m completely convinced like the other trollers they are here just to troll the thread and what makes it sadder is they aren’t very good at it from what I can see from quotes just shady about alts and how they don’t want people to know alts which is ironic and explains why they are hiding on a class Death Knight.
No one can find out anything from Btags because they contain no real life information .
Even if a person goes into game and clicks add btag friend they don’t see your other toons just by making a request . They first have to be approved by you and then only then will they be able to see your other toons but and this is the important part . They will only see what toon is logged into the game at that time .
Also the only way they might be able to see your Real name is if you are foolish enough to have Real ID enabled . Which can be disabled in the Battlenet privacy settings .
but i was not talking about battle tags in that instance i was talking about the acc wide ignore thing…
are you trolling? lol
You said they’ll ignore you to find your alts, and what I described is the only way they’ll find your alts
So, unless you meant something else, I’m not sure where the break is
Tell them to do it without Check pvp
In order for an account wide ignore to be implemented, it means there needs to be some sort of forum account identity, which means, likely a BTag. What are you saying? We going to ignore “Ayukama-Frostmourne,” then all of a sudden, 160 alts pop up on the ignore list too.
I mean they could just let you add that person to your ignore list, then have the rest of the account ignored in the background since we already have account identifiers that we have 0 ways of seeing (I dont mean btags either)
Call it what it actually is: Doublethink.