Can we get account wide ignore?

Broad strokes, really?


Yet I can still post… :person_shrugging:

Nah,he’s actually pretty direct and being careful interesting people can learn from his example.

THere are just certain things in life you can count on .

Broken Clock being right twice a day
Ard comming into a thread about Btags or acount wide ignores starting something.


Your “question” was answered

You just didn’t like the answer so its easier to keep pretending it wasn’t

And you wonder why less people are taking you seriously?

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oh the “bc i dont like them so they cant break the rules while my friends can”
oh ok, i didnt think she was serious. idk abt the rest of u though, prolly the same deal.

Well at least you were real open and did indeed ignore the answer lmao

Not sure, as stated above, why you think you need to mass flag everything, report it yourself and move on with your life

1 report is all it takes


this makes no sense. if i called you a name, you’re all quick to report me, but if i said the same thing to me it’s nothing. i also did not ask her to report anyone, i asked why she wouldnt but yea… you guys protect each other is all lol dont need to hide it.

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Why does it matter if anyone reported anything? If you have a problem with a post, just report it yourself instead of sitting around waiting for other people to do it

I’ve yet to report anyone in this thread, regardless of their arguments, if you wanna yell at me for “protecting each other”


The fox has a tendency in these threads to repeatedly make claims that constantly get debunked and then keep doubling down on the stuff that is proven wrong like in what can or can’t be done with Btags.

Some one comes up with an alternative like this thread that doesn’t add btags but focuses in it being in the background and he goes on with a bunch of what ifs.

Well what ifs are possibilities and guess what anything is possible but probabilities say it likely won’t.

People ask him show cause of why you think this possibility would become a probability and he basically goes trust me bro look for yourself.

We are saying no we’ve shown why btags and such won’t be a problem now you show us your data.


i was making a point. you guys are allowed to bash the hell out of everyone else but even if we defend ourselves u still are so hostile…u really dont need to be this hostile lol but this was me skimmin thru like the last 500 posts. a lot of u gotten a lot worse since the btags. surprised some are still here. shrugs

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Trust me it would have to be a really bad name to get me to report .

Oh and rectal orafice and Richard don’t offend me

And your side doesn’t protect it’s side ?

Well that just pegged my male bovine excrement detector

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Good lord, why that person is still droning on about me over an hour later just because I ignored them after they were annoying me is just embarrassing, it’s like if you wanna report a post report it, if others report it and it gets hidden because it’s that bad then mods will remove it or restore it faster this isn’t a new concept.

It’s scary someone is really so bothered by worrying about if someone else is reporting something when they can do it themselves.


“I don’t want account wide ignores because I value my privacy, but at the same time, I want to invade others privacy”…

This is such a contradiction.


i report both ppl. idc if the person agrees w/ me or not u dont need to sit here and call people trash, useless or w/e else i read. there was a lot of that and yes i did say hypocrit n karen (if thats an insult…lol) but i dont think we need to take it a level that high. no side needs to.


Yes, a point I instantly pointed out the flaw with

Is someone disagreeing with you hostile now? Cuz thats what I did

It IS irrelevant if someone reported something or not. Did you report it? Well there you go, its reported, problem solved

Why do you need others to report it as well? You going to answer this question or continue to act like a victim


You already know the answer

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Just want to add on to this, all it takes is one report for moderators to view. Don’t know why they are requesting us to flag others, when we’re not asking anyone to flag others.

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ya for btags i had my 2c and people will and use any information they can against you on these forums. and im talking JUST wow forums…bc look how ppl act on it lol. i dont want no one to have my btag for any reason. i am sorry i cant agree w/ u i mean nothing to u for it.

as for acc wide ignores, i personally dont see why not but as i said, the only way it’ll work is if everyone has a fresh start. we do it now then everyones alt will b outted and no one wants that.

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Explain how, and use realism to do it instead of fantasy world like the other people

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