Can we get account wide ignore?

I’ve seen them plenty, never really liked them

But boy, the more I learn the more and more I feel validated for my opinion

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Hate was present well before I ever posted here.

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Except there is a reason for discussion. Because we have every right to discuss it.

You however, do not have a right to troll the thread, as you have been doing this whole time.

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You’ve said that so often that its just lost all meaning at this point.

In a discussion there has to be an opposing views or it’s not a discussion ,it’s a an acceptance. There’s no disagreement when that happens.

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Knowing Ard, “disagreements” means people are pushing back agains the lies he’s telling.


In otherwords, spewing random nonsense once again. Gotcha.

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The goalpost is actually on Neptune now.


so you see nothing wrong with 1 person insulting the same exact type of insults to another person? becaaaauuuse they deserve the insults and/or abuse bc of their opinion? over a FORUM feature? loloool.

im just asking a question lol why cant u properly respond to it?

Wow,an opposing view is nonsense, now in a discussion.

Sorry but it’s been move even further now it’s


i cant get them to respond to anything bc they cant. see how they continue to about face. im not backing anyone to a corner im just asking a question lol. the blood elf girl is…like…a karen. lol where my manager? trust me they dont wanna speak to u lol.

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We got the ben shapiro style arguement going on in the thread and the people are being offended when it doesn’t actually work


Hey, it is further than that. Try somewhere in the multiverse.


The distinction does not matter. If someone has the technical ability to cut themselves off from you on one character (the ignore simply hiding your replies), then re-engaging them directly on another character is infringing (either you say who you are and admit bypassing, or you don’t and are deceiving others into believing you are a separate person).

Let alone the fact that this is not a “public” place. It is a forum administered by a company, whose users are solely comprised of paying users of their product.

You are asking them to report someone that agrees with them .

Are you going to report people that agree with you ? Of course not and you know that I am right about that.

People are going to side with opinions they agree with . It’s like the scene in Falcon and the Winter Soldier when Baron Zemo says something and Sam goes he’s out of line but he’s right.

You over look the things people you agree with say and those that agree with another persons opinion over look things from that perspective . It’s how the world has always worked and always will.


They have you on ignore the same way here.well, at least it works.

To me this account wide ignore can be circumvent by those that know the way to do so .It doesn’t matter if they have this feature they 'll(one that do know the way) can do so. So a larger ignore list can help in record this abuse.

hey we have progress. theyre actually usin the ignore featue as intended.

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And from what I was told, you have a history. So that is not surprising.

Also, you were in the other topic that got 404’d. Arguing the same stuff, and on top of that, telling everyone that the topic will get deleted soon.

be honest, since u been here has he really said anything bad? the dude says less than a sentence and nothing is hostile…u were told what exactly?
u can see dude…in this last 1k post lmao uc ant tell me the fox was as bad as literally everyone else