Can we get account wide ignore?

if you think EVERY single 55dk, 10-15retail is a troll then thats something else. i even agreed w/ u that most are trolls but i havent done anything to you … im still postin 2k posts later lol i woulda hopped off by now.
ppl need to stop lookin at what character they post instead and look at their context…


You’re not my boss

Quite abit I think.

Just from their replies @ me I know they are just another troller, I mean honestly who gets so upset at someone just because they won’t help someone else that’s a troller because they are a troller except another fellow troller who just wants to continue trying to start drama for no reason against the good people in this thread that are actually trying to improve the WoW forums.


Well that’s another issue, Blizzard would do well to consider increasing the limit.

But here is an important point, I don’t want to ‘invade’ others privacy as I never once have asked personal questions about someone’s real life or try and attack their in-game reputation on their server and whatnot.

To me, that only applies when things become personal. As in, if you whisper someone privately etc. A forum is a public space.

Sometimes in life we have to work with people we don’t like in order to get ahead, I’ve learned that the hard way the past year. Consider in a raid team, you might not be best friends with everyone on the team, but if they help you finish the objective that’s what matters.

But Ard is right, this isn’t a conspiracy.

People did trash my reputation as I wasn’t careful enough on what happened on WoW, and that was long before I said/did half the things that you all criticize me for, I did end up in a difficult situation for years it took great difficulty to finally get out of it. Never again.

I’m sorry if people feel that their rights are somehow being trampled on when I switch to an anonymous alt, but I honestly feel I have no choice, I can’t risk losing my closest friends from WoW that have thought highly enough of me to add me to Facebook etc. I’ve seen just how easily people can turn against me when someone gossips about me.

I actually don’t want the thread shutdown, I do feel that Blizzard is listening to both sides of the argument on this important issue.

Let’s be honest…this isn’t a game for care bears anymore like FF14 still is, the very design of the game makes some people more valuable than others, and your main barrier to any kind of progress are other players rather than the content you are progressing.

In a single player game, it’s all your own achievement, but these days in WoW you are fighting other players as much as you are fighting the raid and dungeon bosses, in this game the only player that’s not going to be a barrier to your progress is someone that’s performing their class at 99% optimal,

A player in this game is either a hindrance to your group…or they are not.

So in this kind of competitive environment, the risk of people trashing the reputation of other people and badmouthing them to others is simply extremely high.

Until wow has a bit more casual content, I don’t think that’s going to change.

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This the example how this thread operate people come in state this don’t wish this,and boom they get jumped on for their opinions. If you have time preview the whole thread.


Except when someone has decided they don’t want to deal with you, you seem to feel entitled to invade their privacy.

How did any of that have to do with the ignore system which is the ONLY thing being discussed here? You were in a close relationship for what, 4 years with someone, and with an outside social media platform involved where all that happened. I mean, it sucks when something like that happens, but it doesn’t seem to have a connection at all with the idea that an ignore should ignore an account not 1/160 of that account.


Interesting then you got a record nice ,we should have that then :thinking:
Increase the ignore listing!

Hey, you do know using alts to mass flag post is against the Code of Conduct.

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Ard, you have not come up with one single argument to prove otherwise, in any thread. All you have done is trolled the forums, so you need to stop lying.


Where’s the mass I don’t see it?

There is no argument to be won for changes to happen.

Blizzard will do what they will.

so no argument against it either.


I started reading this way back in August when it was first posted. It’s taken some laps around the ol’ track since then, that’s for sure.

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That also means there is no argument against it then.

Do you ever think before you post?


You trashed your reputation


Then there’s no reason for there to be a discussion.

You keep it going then the argument against changes goes on.

To be honest if they are really that concerned about it ,why are they not reporting it themselves . All I’m seeing from them is arguing for arguments sake.

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Short answer no, long answer still no.

Know what’s so funny I didn’t even know of them until this thread and some of the stuff they have shared/overshared made me cringe to the point I eventually blocked them because all it was is yikes, yikes, yikes.


And you wonder why people in this topic get ticked off at you.