Can we get account wide ignore?

It only takes 1 report to actually mark a post so like

Why do you need help reporting stuff, you can just report it yourself and tada its done?


Nah, it’s the aggressive concern trolling and stuff like Ard vaguely gesturing about paranoid fantasies of things that never have or will happen and smugly sitting there like they’ve proven something when no one can do the impossible. Or the consistent theme of people against it switching arguments every post when someone tries to engage on specific points.

It’s concerted trolling to start fights and get a thread shut down.


Even when we approach the topic completely civilly, we get:
“Hey, we think account-wide ignore is good”
“I don’t, but if we get it, let’s make it two-way and permanent”
“Uh, that’ll be abusable like on X”
“That’s an interesting point… let’s make it two-way and permanent”

The above is obviously paraphrased, but I wanted to raise it as an example here.


The fact that person is sitting here trying to talk badly about me while also expecting me to wanna help them or the other person is just laughable it’s like you don’t get my help so you think it’s smart to try and act even more childish with name calling and somehow that will make me help you, as if, lol.


It’s the “help” thing Im stuck on

Theres 0 need to mass flag something, one flag it all it takes, I’ve seen a post that was never “greyed out” get deleted so like

What help do they need? Can’t just flag things themselves?


Or Just:
“You can’t prove this won’t destroy the forums!”
“Well, it works just fine with all the other Blizz forums that do work that way already”
“Ah so you want everyone’s real name given out to everyone like the D4 forums did!”
“That was in the game, not the forums, and required both people to have Real ID active in some way I believe, so not relevant to the forums”
“But it’s the same company, and since they haven’t said anything in a few weeks that proves they aren’t going to do anything anyway”

Just can’t stick to one topic


Some would describe their tactics as

“Moving the goalpost”


Never mind them, they’re a classic toon that has more time in here then in game playing the toon . So it’s most likely some sock puppet of someone most of us have ignored .

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I mean, I generally think of moving the goal posts as being more consistent. I’ll admit I was a bit like that in my example, but there are times I try and talk about one point and get like a half dozen points that don’t have anything to do with what I said. And a bunch of them involving assigning stances to the people for proper ignores that no one has actually said.

How about

“Adding additional goal posts and also moving those around while imagining other goal posts appear, which also move”

Heck more like move to another stadium

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I’m just picturing a giant field with hundreds of goal posts strewn about at random now

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Gotta admit, pretty accurate though


Also lol.

Both are funny because it’s true. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


actually we spoke b4 and u told me i was fine, then said i was a troll after i explained why i post on the 55 dks. i mean…i did nothing to u but be honest… but ok, u guys are…wow lol after almost a yr of this crap ahah

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Soooo… How’s it goin’? How we feelin’ fam?


Please state the nature of the forum-based emergency.


Seriously if you are not my bad but when you start coming off like all the other level 55 classic dks that infamously troll these threads it is easy for people to see you as the others.

You have seen these threads and you know how they can get , so why come in when you know people will naturally think you’re another classic dk trolling the thread.


I dunno. It went from you’re being mean, to if you don’t be mean to others you don’t have to worry, to you can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my Mom, and there was some well I don’t care about you so nyah smatterings in there.

I believe the emergency is called internet discussions. Whatta we do doc?!?

I’m a doctor, not a moderator.

Computer, deactivate EMH.

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