Can we get account wide ignore?

Sparking a tit-for-tat will just further detract from the point of this thread - which is exactly what gets it shut down if that continues to derail completely.

Man you know what would make this thread better?

Account wide ignores


Account wide ignores would be the :bacon: of the WoW forums .

And who doesn’t love :bacon:

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… people that don’t love :bacon: ?

:bacon: is not kosher but Account wide ignore is!

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I have bad news, I’m not really a bacon fan. I don’t like pork that much.

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That’s your opinion on it and you are entitled to it but I’m happy to say that I’m never gonna help someone I dislike with anything, especially when they have come into the thread to be drama and starting drama for no reason then when called out about it they try to pretend like they did nothing wrong.


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no but youre a hypocrit so gl with that lol

Doesn’t look like you can disagree with this proposal without being labeled a troll.

Don’t look right to me.

What’s there even to disagree on? It’s literally just an upgrade to the current system…


That’s really the best comeback you can come up with because I won’t help someone I dislike, I’m disappointed and I expected better but I guess you just get thrown on the ignore list with the rest of the trashy people in this thread.



Supports just don’t wana see any opposition.

Plenty what?

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Ok, and what are the disagreements?

there isnt much to say. youre protecting ur friends n fine for you but dont go preaching left n right abt what someone did when you sat there and saw someone get abused. thats bs. im glad this is not rl bc i would help someone even if i disliked them for w/e im not that petty. youll just sit there. cool…

also…u dislike them over an opinion… so what?

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You can see them by scrolling up the 7494 posts.

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also calling me trash is uncalled for. have u guys not learned the last past 10 btags post that ur insults is what closes these topics? its every friggin time

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Oh you mean, the very rare glitch in D4 that cant happen here. Or the supposed “witch hunts”, even though that already goes on. Did I miss anything?