Can we get account wide ignore?

Why answer my question with snark instead of just being honest?


Because no matter who I say I am you won’t be satisfied. I’m already pinned to those people anyway.

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I have no idea why you’re assuming this about me. I’ve not been involved with assuming about others or generalizing, that’s why I’m asking.

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… Really?

Anyway, I’m probably whoever this person you think I am so I’ll just let you go with that lol. Also I was told I was another Dracrhyr, that could be me too. I don’t even know who I am anymore lol.

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Blame the one or two people who are heavily sockpuppeting in this topic much earlier. That tends to leave people paranoid.

When you have tons of lvl 10 Allied Races/Death Knights and 58 Dracthyr’s showing up to spamming the same stuff that the trolls were doing. That tends to rile people up in topics like this.

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ok i understand where you’re coming from but i would honestly just keep blocking them and ignore theyll eventually get tired and move on if you keep feeding they won’t

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In this case, here is the thing, many people will be switching their characters to be a nuisance…this is true. But there are also many people that like to switch to their alts for a reason, that they value their privacy, and don’t want any controversial opinions getting back to their guilds or ruining their guilds reputation.

This is why when people say ‘you don’t have a right to’ x, y and z with me it’s falling on deaf ears. I have every right to take steps to ensure my privacy online if I wish, and the good thing that’s come out of this thread and another one, is that I now have more means to do so, to hide a little more of that extra information from third party websites etc.

This will reduce the chances of people finding out information that I don’t want them to know.

As for people who deliberately go out of their way to sockpuppet, as I recall there was one obvious example of a person that was clearly doing it to stir the pot, but as I recall all their posts disappeared later. I am assuming of course, action was taken on that person.

Well on SC2, I would rarely use it, but when I play Starcraft2 I am not there to play with other people, I am there to engage in one of favorite past times, that is blowing the crap out of someone else’s house and building my own on top of it.

There’s no need for privacy and whatnot in that kind of environment. Also in Diablo, I tend to also stick to story mode, as when we were growing up nobody used to play D2 online, and even when D2 was available online you would just get carried by all the bots anyway. I still remember that big alert on my scream from a bot that used to say ‘diablo time!’ when some cheating bot would join the party. Blizzard never used to care about such things back in those days. Also, I don’t play Overwatch.

In WoW it’s different, as your reputation and the reputation of your guild matters much more, as I see this as much more of a social game than some of the other Blizzard titles. I’ve also added much more friends to Facebook from WoW than any other game, so I have to be very careful, there’s crap I say on here that I’d rather not my real life friends find out,

As I’ve said I’ve learned the hard way how devastating social media can be for one’s personal life when used incorrectly. Now here is the thing, I have one close friend in real life that’s going through a very tough time, they’ve sometimes said bad things to me that they don’t mean, they’ve been trying to add me to FB for a while now…but I would say no.

Why would I? They’ve shown time and again, that when they are mad or we having an argument they can say the worst possible things. If I was to let them into close, it would be highly likely if we had a fight or argument they might badmouth me to my friends or say crap about me that could turn people against me…just as my ex did 6 years ago. But although my ex let me move back in with them for a time, until I found a safe way to go, the damage to my friendship circle was already done.

People have said in the past ‘oh true your friends will just stick by you no matter what anyone else says’…but sadly, that’s not always the case, friendships that I have been 200% loyal to, have still had people badmouth me to them, and then I find myself blocked/ditched over something that wasn’t true.

I am not willing to put any of my closest friends in the position where they can attack my reputation and turn other friends against me, as I know I would find it difficult to forgive them for doing that.

To be clear when I speak of privacy online, I am talking exclusively of the privacy of our real selves, and also if we have a toon in a good guild or whatnot, that doesn’t like what they call ‘trolling’ etc.

At this point in time, I’ve had a couple of posts restored…while you may be right, that it may simply be that the mod in question didn’t find me in breach of forum code of conduct, it does make me feel at least some of what I am saying has been vindicated.

You might be willing to share any skeletons in your closet for the whole world to see…bu some people are not. In particular…I cannot.

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And fill up a limited ignore slots with one persons create/delete alts. It’s called harassment when someone keeps bypassing ignores, especially if it’s in one thread.


what is the limit you can place people?

I believe someone said 100, but I would run a test when get home to confirm, about to clock in at work. I’ll ignore my alts so that’s 59 off the bat + the 5 others.

If you didn’t want to be associated with trolling this thread, you wouldn’t have showed up following their exact playbook.

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well in the defence of azurgos some thought i was her too and i didn’t really say anything at all. i just think this topic is some sort of cult and people are paranoid


Not gonna lie I find it funny they think anyone in this thread would want to help them to flag anything given how they have been, talked, etc. to most everyone else except the three other annoyances that act just like them.


Yeah possibly but the thing is there is a limit on how many you can put into the ignore box and if you are putting say just a few individuals in with multiple toons , space starts filling up quick . However with account wide ignore say the amount stays the same (we’ll go with 100 names) , you have gone from having to block 100 diferent characters with quite a few being the same person or persons to blocking entire accounts with the ability to block each accounts possible 160 toons and any future toons made due to deletion and future creation of toons.

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Ok, so what does privacy has to do with trolling, toxicity, hate speech, self harm/threats, racism?

Your characters have nothing to do with privacy. Your BattleTag has nothing to do with privacy.

You’re using privacy as an act to continue with your toxic behaviour Lilithia. Stop playing the privacy game, because you do not have a leg to stand on.

The only way people are going to find out stuff about you, is if you tell them. They can’t find out your personal information using your characters, or let alone, your BattleTag.


So what he is saying is reality doesn’t exist in his world

Reminds of that South Park episode.

She wants privacy and wanting to invade others privacy at the same time, that’s toxic behavior.


You only have that right until it conflicts with the rights of another, and in this case, that conflict is with the right to choose to dissociate from you as a person. They can’t effectively do that if you keep trying to re-engage using other characters.


Right, it’s a right to my privacy and others privacy not wishing to engage or wanting another person in a shared space.


i think its more of being equal tbh. if you report someone for something that is against the tos then why don’t u for your own side? stop protecting each other mate lol you’re in the wrong too