Can we get account wide ignore?

Because I want the ability to ignore the person behind the monitor entirely. Not 1 of the characters people chose to post from. And I should have every right to ignore the person. What part of that do you not understand?


Let me put it this way. If you kick someone out of your house, they should not be able to force their way back in by putting on a different hat.


I don’t think you can equate reality with a forum environment.

I don’t think I can relate anything you’ve posted to reality, but that’s not the point.

No means No. An ignore is someone saying No. You should not be able to put on a new hat, and decide that No means yes.


It sounds like you’re assuming in that situation where someone puts on another hat that they are targeting you, specifically.

That isn’t the case in every circumstance for someone you might ignore.

Doesn’t matter. No means NO.


Is there ever a day where you’re not spewing out random nonsense that doesn’t make any sense?


:person_shrugging: I just don’t share the same optics people are using when they ask for account wide ignores.



There’s nothing that says I have to agree with the narrow argument being made for these changes.

But this isn’t your house or mine.

We are all guests in Blizzard’s house.


It doesn’t matter, these people lol don’t care.
They say I call out but won’t report the call out the Lock did but the blood elf who wont let things go and the Night Elf with Paranoia said outloud they were gonna report me for it.

Then you have a guy who keeps fighting with a supposed troll (Undead above me) but won’t ignore her…

… It’s no wonder you guys get trolled so bad.


Who says they didn’t and are your hands hurting? You can do it too.


You were posting in those topics, yes? Not with Azurrgos though. Who were you posting with at that time?
I do remember conversing with someone who kept making false sweeping generalizations like you have been here.


Yeah, ok Karen.


Yes, and Blizzard does not give you the right to use your characters to troll or be toxic towards other people. On top of that, Blizzard says your characters are not private, and they also say your BattleTag is your public identity used to identify your BNet account.


My take is that if you know full well what the results will be, why not just stay out of it and let it be an echo chamber. The same people jumping into the topic and turning it into a s*** show to get it 404’d.

I have zero sympathy about you “running the gauntlet” since you are fully aware of what will happen.

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I wasn’t aware I was going to get blasted like that, no. I’ve been on the Battle topics and was AGAINST the idea of it and I wasn’t talked to like that at all. I’m indifferent to account ignores really so that’s the funny part lol.

If you haven’t been keeping up on this topic I’m apparently Ard, Lilthia, some Gnome and a dozen other people, just add another name to the hat since you’re waiting.

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So how do people feel about account wide ignore in other Blizzard forums where you can’t bypass ignores with alts?

I know in the other Blizzard forums I would only have to hit ignore once per a user account and be done with it.

it’s great in the d4 forums and i haven’t even had to ignore anyone because there are consequences over there and that’s enough to keep the trolls in line

so yeah we need that here too!!!