Can we get account wide ignore?

I thought call outs were not allowed. :thinking:
Anyone going to report the Lock? Against ToS, remember guys? Like what you told me and reported me for? Lol.

Also I’m not any of those people… so add that to about 8 people you all think I am.

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It has a lot to do with patterns in how people present what they are saying.

A lot of times a person will change their toon but how they present say their argument is the same way they presented on their previous toon . Their may be a word change here or there but the premise between what the 2 toons say is still the same .

Wasn’t sure like I said . I had a suspicion it might be .

Went to check Rita and couldn’t find him in check pvp any more

I find that site wonky, it doesn’t even show all of my alts, ilvls, etc. right even though they are legit all in my guild so they are easy to track.

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YES!!! So over the selling of runs, boosting etc. Do we have an ignore limit?? lol

It only updates them when asked to, so it’s possible you’re just seeing old data.


Oh alright, I’ll update it myself then.

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Just so you can switch to another alt to bypass the ignore to continue with the trolling and toxicity?

Yeah, account wide ignores please, so you can not do that.


Well, you do it then.

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so unless you have the full feature you won’t use the one we have… uh

… what? what’s this all or none thing

Because we know they will switch toons . They’ve done it before . I have at least 2 or more of their toons on ignore myself.

We shouldn’t have to do an ignore every time a person changes toons to bypass the ignore the previous toon was put on .

It should be a one and done also with the way we want it say a person has a person on ignore and has to do a name change say for doing a server transfer the ignores still remain .


Panzerstorm here, switched mains as I went back to my hordie. Was getting bored with the alliance.

Just a reminder:

Being ignored on the forums in no way impedes your ability to make threads or posts.


How do you know it hasn’t been reported? Is your finger broken? Why aren’t you reporting it?

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I haven’t posted on another toon in over a week.

Though if you assured me that if you ignored my account that would be the end of it I would be fine, but if you can’t ignore THIS toon what’s the point?

You don’t like me. I don’t like you.

So why waste time?

Gosh! A whole week?!? That’s a remarkable display of self-restraint, coming from you.

I’ve still got, I dunno… seven or eight of your alts ignored from previous threads where you simply refused to be ignored. Would be nice if I could just ignore your entire account and free up those slots, ya know?

You and I, and everyone else, know that if you realized that everyone was ignoring you, you’d just switch alts. Again. Because you don’t respect anyone (including yourself) or their right not to associate with you.


I haven’t used 8 alts this month, I think I only used 2 or 3

Lady (and I use the term very loosely), your history goes back way further than the past month. You’ve inflicted yourself in various guises on this forum for years.


That’s true. And the good thing is that in another thread, I was finally taught how to hide everything so I don’t get discovered on 3rd party websites thank goodness.

And they did teach me how to hide my next alt a bit more, should make things much easier

You give yourself too much credit. You’re just not that clever.


Well we’ll see what happens come December once everything updates.