Can we get account wide ignore?

For you all not to act like feral beast for one lol.

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To come in flinging baseless accusations at people without proof, attack me and call me names then add a fake apology say they were leaving and the come right back being as toxic as they were to begin with while trying to sell a fake victim complex that literally no one is buying.


The problem wasn’t the “real people with an opinion”. The problems were the posters who would come in and willfully misrepresent the functionality of the systems in question, and do so often enough that we can deduce that it was done with intent to deceive others.

All of those posters (coincidentally) happened to be arguing on the same side of the topic.


What fake apology? You really need to get over whatever I said. You just say things and don’t reply when asked.

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But it’s not the only toon you post on. and that’s the thing, isn’t it? I don’t want to ignore this one character. I want to ignore your ENTIRE account. I want to ignore YOU, the human being sitting at the keyboard.


Are you not the one that wouldn’t quit saying last night after attacking me that you already apologized, I don’t know if you actually did or not since I stopped reading your replies after you attacked me for no reason and started saying I had said this or that when I didn’t so either you fake apologized or you didn’t, pick your lane.

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And this adds to my theory that this evoker is the same person behind Aeondaboil, Grrumm, and currently Nairdowel.


I’m still waiting for any of these people against account wide ignores to actually provide proof for anything they say or any false accusations they fling but I doubt I’m ever gonna see it so I’m not gonna hold my breath.


I correct when I said “You” because I meant in general and I apologised. If you (Yes, you) can’t accept it then I’m sorry? Just kinda weird you keep going on about it. Take it or leave it, please.

I wasn’t aware I was going on about it when I literally just rejoined this thread a few minutes ago when I added the reply I did about you and how you thought you could come in start drama, be drama and then act like you are being attacked for no reason.

Literally I haven’t even been on the forums today until just barely so just because you didn’t like my reply doesn’t mean I’m going on and on about it, it means I pointed out you fake apologized at me among other things yesterday and today none of which is false or wrong so deal with it the truth hurts but it’s still the truth.


Okay well if you don’t accept the apology that’s fine but… move on lol.

Take your own advice considering you won’t quit bringing up other people in this thread called you a nobody.

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That was about 18 some odd hours ago we’ve moved on from that… You were right about just getting here lmao. You’re still stuck in the past.
Well have a good night sister.

You was just complaining about it a couple of hours ago, as if, I can compile them all if I need to just to rub salt in your wounds if you want since you seem to think we are all a hivemind that dislikes you for no reason even though you don’t seem to know how to quit while you are ahead.

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To be fair you don’t see opposition against account ignores holding a magnifying glass to every post being made or accusing them of being trolls at a drop of a hat.

I haven’t switch alts in this topic at all.

To be honest if Ard had any views that he could show actuall support for instead of hyperbole what ifs ,I’d have a lot of respect for him. Instead when asked to back his point up he deflects .

Me I don’t personally ignore because I disagree, I do so because the person is repeating things that have either been proven false or beyond the probability of actually happening with their only proof being “Trust Me Bro” and people that have shown they are toxic like a mage we will not name.


i acutally support the account wide ignores since i think they do it in game so why not here? i just think people are way too passionate enough to accuse people of being others. it’s paranoia at its max here

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I think not sure but Aeon might have been Ritahayworth but I think Grrumm was Doobly/Krog

I’ve had them blocked so long I casn’t be sure which is which

No, we were able to check-pvp grrumm, and it was Rita.