Can we get account wide ignore?

On the contrary, nobody knows who my main WoW alt is in this expansion. And they never will.

As that’s not an alt I am using on the forum.

Ok? Then why are you still here then? Because if that was the case, you should have left instead of continuing. I was being serious actually.

But whatever I guess…


That doesn’t mean it’s unknown, just that it has no post count. If I could ignore your entire account, I wouldn’t have to learn a single thing about you, and I would be so pleased by that.


I knew you was trolling, you have no interest in the discussion or want to have one.


I mean, it was quite obvious. But honestly, we are all here in this topic out of boredom. The subject has been talked to death. 7.3k posts of it too. XD

I mean, you continue to show your utter disrespect for everyone who disagrees with you with you constant refusal to actual respond to what they’re talking about. Not a particularly likable strategy you’ve got there.


I was actually here to discuss the merits of such a system.


You’re doing it all wrong. You need to spin up a fresh alt so we don’t realize :wink: :wink: that it’s still you.

I’m sure Ard alt number 150 will show up to do it for me.

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Oh just follow their rules and just come in tomorrow not knowing who they. Since it’s possible that remembering someone and their reputation is a form of harassment.

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It wouldn’t matter the account wide ignore can be by passed and they know it. We been played.

Crap now I got Nowhere Man in my head


Please explain how? This makes no sense.

Most of what they say makes no sense, it’s why I personally stopped replying to them when they @ me and why so many in this thread are always like what the hell, lol.


You asnd me both . I’ve already learned enough about them that there is no way I would ever want to know their real life info like name or location . Thank goodness if Account wide ignores or Battletags happen that info will never show up .

I kind of get Hand That rocks the Cradle and Basic Instinct vibes from them .


I mean it has happened here. But it’s just when someone decides it’s worth it to blow the cash to open an entirely separate battle net account. A lot more effort and resources than what it takes to bypass the current ignore

Then just ignore me already if you don’t want to hear anything given this is the main toon I post on.

It’s not hard.

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Like I said, this is a byproduct of Battle Tag fiasco. I am not sure of you’re new to this or an alt but this whole has not been since August. 2-3 of the regular pro posters have made topics similar to this since like January and they get nuked because they go on the attack to acutal trolls to real people with an opinion.

At this point yeah, because I’ve seen Ardmccloud and Lilithia get beat and yesterday was my turn to run the gauntlet lol. We have been going in circles for almost a year.

Thats fine if they disagree with me and I’m not calling you a troll by any means.

But again you have some people coming here with a load of hyperbole that the WoW forums will die if forum account wide ignore gets added, create echo chambers and or silence, then I feel the need to tell them that every other forum that has this are still being used to this day.


What did you expect from running your mouth?