Can we get account wide ignore?

You were in the other topic of this subject, and you very much war chanted “This topic will be closed soon”.

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Not trying to be rude (everybody says that right before saying something extraordinarily rude, but I’m being genuine), but I don’t know you, and you have so little impact on my day as to be inconsequential; you are insignificant to me, as I’m sure I am to you.

I’m still not upset. I just thought it was an… odd… humblebrag? that only two of your posts were sanctioned. Seems like the goal should be zero, ya know?

And I’m more of an Apple Jack’s guy if I’m doing cold cereal.

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Well, none of them were deleted. They were flagged and I just got another restored like 10 mins ago. You act like I came in here with the intentions of getting banned lol. I just didn’t expect the welcoming committee to send the full team like that.

Also, none taken, I don’t see you that way but hey OK lol. Your outlook on people I guess.

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Thats fine if you want to give your opinion, but most of the arguments here against it hold no weight to them.

Its why I asked the question like 5 times on who willing to commit time to constant scrolling through every sub forum and every thread that exists just to find alts.

Every forum operates on one account and thus having an account wide ignore already baked in. Some arguments here say that having account wide ignore will cause issues here when every other forum that exists on the internet (i.e MMO-champion, Reddit, Steam Discussion forums, FFXIV forums etc) don’t really have an issue and the despite what you like to believe, they are still being used to this day.

  • Having forum account wide ignore won’t kill the forums (The argument is a load of hypebole).

  • It won’t create echo chambers

  • The only people here that can affect your ability to post is the mods, not us.


The point is, it’s guarding the privacy of my REAL true self as forum is anonymous.

Or it should be.

In your opinion.

Others necessarily don’t agree with your views but anyone who tries to discuss them is just labeled as a troll…which is why this topic will keep going in circles for eternity.

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This is the one thing that I don’t like these days people literally think they are right and the other person is wrong, and that’s it, when in reality a lot of it is just opinion, not fact.

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If posters weren’t looking to oust each other for this and that I would believe that a push for change for forum functionality is genuine.

Instead…that still isn’t happening.

You literally just vomited forth another chapter from your sad life, and for what purpose? Apparently to excuse your racism.

You can lie to yourself that you value your privacy, but the rest of us know the truth: the one thing you prize over everything else, the thing that you will stop at nothing to acquire is ATTENTION. It’s your raising d’etre.


Listen, I used to post on GameFAQs a lot. I know trolling very well.

May favorite one that gets used a lot is provoking negative responses, and then playing victim.


I think I’m having a stroke. Has the Maw frozen over?!? I think Lilithia has finally, inexplicably, said something I agree with.

Ok…how does that solve anything happening here now?

There’s also responding to a specific argument with something completely unrelated and act like you’ve proven something


In certain parts, he’s a nobody.

It doesn’t, just that I know the playbook fairly well.

Actually, funny story. I used to post on the FFXIV board a lot. There was a fellow that would always argue, bit of a know it all and very arrogant. Would get banned a ton but would make new accounts. Usually, mid argument too. XD

There’s no disguising your dislike for me.

To point out one simple point, that you need to be very careful what you say online these days and to whom and an account wide ignore would mean people could find out more of who your alts are, and I think that there should be more options for privacy like switching off the armory etc so people I don’t want to know who I am don’t find out,

That’s what I would like

You know what.

Ard let’s start over on this. Why don’t you give us your whole reasoning as to why we shouldn’t have Account wide Ignore. A lot has been probably lost in translation over the last 2 months. That way we can have hopefully proper discussion. (maybe, hopefully)

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I’m sorry but my faith that any halfway decent conversation can be had in this thread evaporated since last night when 12 of my posts got hidden.

But you’re not careful at all.