Can we get account wide ignore?

Dude you’ve been calling me for so long that its just completely baseless.

Let it go.

Do what you claim you are gonna do… Put me on ignore and move on.


"The moderators only deleted a third of my posts, I count that as a victory "

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I wouldn’t characterize anything you’ve posted in this thread as ‘debate’. All I’ve seen is deflection, projection, irrelevance, and nonsequitars.


As far as I can see, when any opposition comes up they’re just berated or insulted for not agreeing with forum ignores.

Not much of a debate to be had.

Is this you valuing and zealously guarding your privacy?

There was plenty of friendly discussion and debate until the sock puppet brigade showed up and started trying to derail it. You can still go back and see where it started and who it started with because of all of the quotes and replies to mod-deleted posts that are still here. Either you haven’t actually read much of anything in here, or you’re being purposefully disingenuous. Color me shocked Pikachu.


To be fair, I lay the blame for the thread going off the rails squarely at the feet of Khrog and his alt army. Up until that point, Asses participation was minimal and he was, for the most part, being successfully ignored.


I did say “the sock puppet brigade”. I just wasn’t gonna name anyone specifically.

No, it’s okay, see, because Azzurgos says it’s not really a call-out if the person being called it is in the thread. And I know he knows and understands the rules, because only a third of his reported posts were deleted by the moderators.

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More like when any opposition comes up they are often asked for citation or questions about their argument on why account wide ignore is bad for the forums, they try to avoid providing citation or answers and there hasn’t been an actual argument as to why forum account wide is bad for the forums.

I.e, I asked the same question to Doobly like 5 or 6 times on who is willing to look at every sub forum in this site and every post that exists on this site to find alts of people you have ignored when you have other methods of finding alts faster then constant scrolling.


More that you wasted your time alt flagging.
You know, the time you didn’t have? lol.

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If posters just want to give you their surface level impression of the issue then thats that.

They don’t need to discuss the depth of their opposition in details just because it doesn’t align with your own depth.

you all keep taking the bait

/hands out some candy with account wide ignores inside


At least spell my name right also it wasn’t a call out so… No rules broken here but you’re trying to edit my name to be funny so nice skirting ToS mate.

Unfortunately, I’ve heard from multiple people that you have a history of pulling this type of nonsense.

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My bad. I knew there was a double letter in there somewhere. Go ahead and report it if it sparks joy.

I dunno. I thought I hurt your feelings earlier, owned up and you’re still pretty upset with me, even said I’m not significant.

I did nothing to your cheerios guy lol.

These are the timers you can set, although I find the first four silly and the WoW forums refers characters as “User”.


I’ll be back later to look in here, going to make my last Hallow Ends rounds, fingers cross for the pet. :crossed_fingers:

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Some posters pin the closure of past threads fully on me, when that wasn’t the case.